Using Pau D'Arco to Fight off Candida

Candidiasis is an overgrowth of the common fungus known as candida. When candida overgrowth occurrs, getting rid of it can be challenging and time consuming. Although there are drug therapies for eliminating candida, many of them are beginning to lose their effectiveness to drug resistant strains of the fungus. There are many plant-based treatment options available, including pau d'arco, but using them effectively takes some perserverance and an understanding of how to use them. 

What is Altitude Sickness? Signs, Symtpoms, & Supplements

Altitude sickness, otherwise known as acute mountain sickness (AMS) is a condition caused by the low oxygen concentration that comes with high elevations. There are a number of different strategies available for reducing the instances of altitude sickness for the mountaineer. 

Here we discuss how AMS occurs, and ways to treat or prevent it when venturing high into the mountains. 

Heart Palpitations: Top 6 Herbs According To A Herbalist

Heart palpitations can be very uncomfortable. Effective treatments are hard to find and often involve harsh pharmaceuticals (like beta-blockers) or surgically cauterizing the heart. There are, however, a few excellent herbal options you can employ for managing heart palpitations.

What is Bioprospecting? Why is it Important?

Most of the drugs we use today came from plants originally. Although science has gotten better at treating and preventing illness, we are still in demand for new, effective medications. Bioprospecting is the term that describes this process, and is an ever important part of medical advancement in the 21st century.

Guide to Using Elder For Influenza Virus

Elder has been used to treat upper respiratory tract infections for hundreds of years. Only in recent times, however, have we really begun investigating the mechanisms of how elder works so well for treating these conditions. Here, we have a look at the phytochemical makeup of elder, and how it has such a strong inhibitory effect on the influenza virus.