Herbal Monographs
(Organized Alphabetically by Common Name)

Ashwaghanda is a well rounded, non-stimulating tonic herb. It's useful for strengthening a weak system caused by overstimulation and exhaustion. A perfect herb for...
Arnica is a mountain grown flower with potent wound healing abilities. It can be used topically to prevent bruising, and speed wound healing.
This herb got its name from stories suggesting it was passed down to earth by an angel as a cure for the plague. Now it's mainly used as an antispasmodic, bitter tonic, and...
Abuto is the South American species of the Cissempelos pariera species. It's used in both Amazonian medicinal systems and in India where it grows abundantly...
Aloe is most commonly known for its ability to treat burns and wounds. What is less known, however, is that aloe is also useful for treating inflammation of the...
Albizia bark is used the world over for allergy and respiratory condtions. Its main mechanism of action is through inhibiting the release of histamine from the mast cells.
Bupleurum is a popular herb in Chinese herbal medicine, and is found in a large number of herbal formulations. Modern resesarch has spent a lot of time investigating its...
Buchu is an African medicinal plant species used mainly for urinary tract infections. It's aqueretic, which means it has the ability to improve blood flow to the...
Berberis is the genus name for a group of species that contain the alkaloid known as berberine. This alkaloid is a potent antibacterial, which is especially useful for...
Black ants contain a high dose of zinc and other minerals, vitamins, and protein. They are a great source of nutrition, especially for athletes...
Bearberry is used for a wide range of urinary tract conditions, and is one of the best for urinary tract infections. Its potent antibacterial actions make it useful for...
Bacopa is a popular herb for improving cognitive function. It improves the formation and retrieval of memories, as well as concentration and focus.
Clavo Huasca is a large woody vine found in the Amazon rainforest. it is mainly used as an aphrodisiac and as a replacement for clove in the region. Its resemblence to clove...
Codonopsis, also known as "poor mans ginseng" is a popular herb in traditional Chinese medicine. It's used to treat cardiovascular disease, high cholesterol, fatigue, and...
Cascara sagrada bark is used as a laxative and lower digestive tonic. The raw bark is much to strong to be used safely, so it is aged for threee years before use...
Gynostemma is also known commonly as Southern Ginseng, or "immortality herb". It was used by the people living in the Southern mountainous regions to treat fatigue, and is well esteemed as a long term health tonic to slow the degenerative effects of aging.
Camu-camu has the highest concentration of vitamin C out of any fruit in the world. It has up to 100 times the vitamin C content of oranges, 10 times the iron, 3 times the...
Cacao is the tree that gives us chocolate. The seed pods are high in the alkaloid theobromine, which is closely related to caffeine but varies slightly in its chemical structure.
Skullcap is one of the best nervines on earth. The Chinese variety still has these nervine qualities, but is the best species for its anti-allergic, and antinflammatory...
Coffee is one of the most widely consumed beverages in the entire world. Contrary to popular belief, its beautiful stimulating nature, and potent antioxidant profile make it a great health beverage...
Calendula is specific for the skin, possessing strong vulnerary and antinflammatory properties. It's also very useful internally for female menstrual disorders...
Couchgrass is mainly used for urinary tract infections and gout. Many consider this useful herb an annoying garden pest and don't recognize the potential for medical value...
Chaste berry has been used in the past to reduce libido. it is ironic then that it's also great for treating reproductive insufficiencies and increasing fertility...
Cashew nuts are a great source of protein and trace minerals. The plant behind the cashew is even more useful as a medicine however. The leaves and bark can be used for...
Coleus doesn't have a wide history of use, but has become incredibly popular as a heart medication and nootropic in recent years...
Cat's claw has seen a surge in popularity lately for its candidacy as a potent supportive agent for cancer. It's also a great immune enhancer and stress reduction agent...
There are many plants in the Amazon rainforest that go by the common name catuaba. The Sunlight Experiment prefers the Trichilia catigua species for most conditions...
Damiana is best known as an aphrodisiac. It’s also a popular euphoriant to use alongside kava or to support anxiety levels. Some use the herb in the evening as a tea or smoking blend to help with sleep.
Ephedra, otherwise known as Ma-Huang, is most commonly used in traditional Chinese medicine. Its main action works through an alkaloid that mimics the effects of epinephrine in our body...
Also known as Siberian ginseng, this herb is specific for reducing the negative effects of stress, and improving athletic performance. It was popularized in the 1970's by...
Frankincense (Boswellia) is one of the best anti-inflammatory herbs in our arsenal. It directly inhibits both COX and 5-LOX enzymes responsible for activating inflammatory messengers. This makes frankincense useful for conditions that involve inflammation as an underlying factor — such as indigestion, arthritis, pain, muscle injuries, or skin irritation.
Feverfew is the best known herb for treating migraine headaches. Despite its name, however, it isn't very good for...
Fennel has over 100 common names due to its worldwide popularity. It is used medicinally for a range of actions that seem to focus on the digestive tract. The seeds are...
Gotu kola has been used for thousands of years, mainly in the Ayurvedic medical system of India. It improves mitochondrial function, and is a popular addition to nootropic...
German Chamomile is a sedative, carminative, and antibacterial suitable for adults and children alike. It makes a delicious night time tea, and the essential oil is used for...
Ginger is by far one of the most renowned and well known herbs of all time. It's no surprise then that this delicious spicy root has a long list of medicinal benefits...
Guarana seeds contain double the caffeine as coffee. This Amazonian medicinal plant is a great addition to supplements and smoothies for its stimulating, antioxidant effects...
Ginseng is a bit of a king amongst the herb world. It has a very long history of use, especially around China and Korea where it originated. It's used to promote longevity...
This herb is contained in the same family as the opium poppy. Although it doesn't contain the alkaloids that give us morphine...
Artichoke is a popular food crop, and potent anticholesterol medication. Its bitter components improve digestion, reduce cholesterol and triglyceride levels, as well as...
Horsetail is a common weed to wetter areas. It's an ancient species of plant, spreading itself via spores in a similar manner to fungi or ferns. It's high in silica which...
Hawthorn berries and leaves are considered one of the best cardiotonic herbs on earth. They are used as a preventative for heart diseases of all different kinds...
Hops are one of the main ingredients of beer. They provide a pleasant, bitter flavor to the brew. Medicinally hops are highly sedating and estrogenic...
Juniper berries are potent antiseptics when applied both topically and internally. They are often used to prevent the spread of infection and to treat urinary tract...Write here...
Kava kava is a calming herb that can also improve focus and concentration. This makes it perfect for work related stress, public speaking, and social axiety at work or school...
Licorice is a popular herb in both eastern, and western herbal medicine, though often for separate uses.
Milk thistle is renowned for its ability to improve the flow of milk in lactating females, and treat liver conditions of all kinds. It works by increasing the...
Marshmallow root has a high concentration of soothing mucilage. It can be concentrated and used as a vegan alternative for egg whites. Medicinally the mucilage is used to...
Maca is a famous South American root vegetable with adaptogenic properties. It works to balance hormones directly through the hypothalamus, and provides a rich source of...
Muira puama is an adaptogenic tree from the Amazon rainforest. Its main usage is for male impotence, but is aslo commonly used as a preventative supporting agent for Alzheimer's disease.
Olive leaf is commonly used as an antibacterial and antiviral supplement. Its even better application is on heart health. Promoting lower blood pressure, lower cholesterol...
Passionflower has many uses and comes in many different varieties. The herb is mainly used for supporting anxiety and sleep but has a long list of other applications as well.
Periwinkle is used to treat bleeding and other related disorders. Its concentrated extract is used in nootropic formulas to improve blood flow to the brain...
Peppermints volatile oil contains a rich source of the characteristic menthol. this chemical is often used as a flavouring agent. It is also a great carminative, and...
Pau D'Arco is most commonly used to treat bacterial, fungal, viral, or parasitic infections and has shown measurable effects against all four. In recent years, Pau D'Arco has gained popularity as an anti-tumor agent.
Rosewood essential oil is highly valued for its aroma, and use for correcting skin conditions. Unfortunatly this herb is associated with a large degree of environmental...
Rehmannia is an important traditional Chinese medicinal herb for treating "heat" conditions. In western herbal medicine the conditions this herb is used for strike a similar resemblance...
Rhubarb is a large leaved perennial common in northern climates. The stalks are used as a flavouring for their tart flavour, and the rhizome is used as medicine...
Suma, otherwise known as pfaffia, or Brazilian ginseng, is one of the most well rounded herbs in the entire Amazon rainforest. It's an adaptogen, and improves...
Stevia is used as a sugar alternative and antidiabetic. The source of stevias sweetness comes from special phytochemicals known as glycosides. They are up to 160 times sweeter...
Schisandra is known commonly as the "5 flavor berry". In Chinese medicine, it's used to tone all 5 flavors. In western herbal medicine, it's used just as vaguely, to tone the...
Slippery elm bark is high in nutritious mucilage. It's great for treating all kinds of inflammation both inside and out. Internally, it can be used for conditions like...
Cassia is also referred to comonly as senna. It's a medium sized tree with brown seed pods. These seed pods are used as medicine. The main action of this herb is laxitive...
Saw palmetto is a member of the palm tree family. The seeds of this plant are used to treat a variety of male aging problems like BPH, male pattern baldness, respiratory...
Stinging nettle is nutritious, antinflammatory, and antioxidant. It's used for a wide range of conditions. One of the most interesting uses is known as urtication...
Sarsaparilla is a root found growing all over the world. It has a long history of use in both China and the South American Amazon rainforest for much the same uses...
Camellia sinensis is the plant that brings us tea in all its many colors and flavors. It has a fairly high level of caffeine, and plenty of antioxidants. It makes a great tea for...
Tribulus is a small hardy shrub. Its main use is as an aphrodisiac and cardiotonic. Its mechanism of action involves gently stimulating and toning the...
Turmeric is one of the oldest herbal medicines in the world. The benefits of turmeric are many, and its broad yet powerful actions have landed it among the most highly...
Vanilla comes from the seed pod of an orchid. The plant can grow to massive lengths and rarely flowers. It's by far one of the most widely used and well known herbs on earth...
Walnut is a very versatile tree. The bark is used as a potent astringent, and the green, unripe husks make for a great antiparasitic agent. The husks can be extracted and made into...
Wormwood is commonly used to treat parasites, induce sweating to lower fevers, and is a central ingredient in making absinthe. The main constituent is thujone, which is...
Yerba maté is a large Amazonian tree. Its leathery leaves are dried and consumed as a tea similarily to green and black tea. It's a potent source of caffeine and antioxidants...
This useful plant is commonly applied to wounds to stop blood leakage, and is a strong bitter useful for liver, glallbladder, and digestive conditions...
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Catuaba is the common name of over 8 unrelated species of plants. Learn the difference between these species so that you know which ones to use and which ones to avoid.
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Altitude sickness, otherwise known as acute mountain sickness (AMS) is a condition caused by the low oxygen concentration that comes with high elevations. There are a number of different strategies available for reducing the instances of altitude sickness for the mountaineer.
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Aphrodisiacs have been around for thousands of years. Only recently has scientific research began to uncover the mechanisms these medicinal plant species use to boost our libido and make us more fertile.
In this article we explore 34 medicinal plants classified as aphrodisiacs.
Ayahuasca is a blend of 2 Amazonian plants, brewed to produce one of the most psychoactive substances in the world. It's commonly used in the treatment of drug addiction, chronic depression, and anxiety disorders but has also seen a surge in global interest for non-medical reasons.
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