Passionflower has many uses and comes in many different varieties. The herb is mainly used for supporting anxiety and sleep but has a long list of other applications as well.
Damiana is best known as an aphrodisiac. It’s also a popular euphoriant to use alongside kava or to support anxiety levels. Some use the herb in the evening as a tea or smoking blend to help with sleep.
Turmeric is one of the oldest herbal medicines in the world. The benefits of turmeric are many, and its broad yet powerful actions have landed it among the most highly...
Rhubarb is a large leaved perennial common in northern climates. The stalks are used as a flavouring for their tart flavour, and the rhizome is used as medicine...
Samambaia is a fern found growing in the Amazon rainforest. It's one of the best herbs around for treating skin and brain disorders. Especially psoriasis, vitiligo, and...
There are many plants in the Amazon rainforest that go by the common name catuaba. The Sunlight Experiment prefers the Trichilia catigua species for most conditions...