Passionflower has many uses and comes in many different varieties. The herb is mainly used for supporting anxiety and sleep but has a long list of other applications as well.
Black Horehound (Ballota nigra)
What is Black Horehound?
Black horehound is best known for its offensive odour — which resembles stale sweat.
Despite the unfortunate smell of this mint-relative, it has a lot to offer therapeutically.
Black horehound is one of the oldest medicinal herb species from Europe. It has a long history of use for infectious diseases including rabies and parasites, as well as for nausea and vomiting caused by neurological disorders.
This herb is a bit of a jack of all trades — but master of none. It offer reliable nervine, antispasmodic, antimicrobial, and anticholesterolaemic effects — all thanks to five unique phenylpropanoid glycosides contained in the leaves, stems, and roots of the herb.
What is Black Horehound Used For?
Many of the tradition uses of the herb have yet to be validated. The primary traditional uses for the herb that still stand today are for treating motion sickness or other causes of nausea or vomiting of neurological origin.
This herb is also still used as an antimicrobial for the digestive tract and topically on the skin.
Newer applications for the herb are aimed towards high cholesterol levels and diabetes.
Traditional Uses of Black Horehound
Black horehound was used for a lot of different applications. It was also a common remedy for motion sickness or any vomiting caused by neurological origins (rather than digestive).
Topically, the leaves were used to treat wounds, burns, and infection. Some herbalists even gave the herb as an enema for parasitic worms.
In Europe, where the herb originated from, the flowering tops were used to treat rabies after getting bitten by a rabid dog.
Herb Details: Black Horehound
Herbal Actions:
- Antibacterial
- Anticholesterolaemic
- Antiemetic
- Antifungal
- Antioxidant
- Antiprotozoal
- Antispasmodic
- Expectorant
- Hypoglycaemic
- Nervine
- Sedative
Weekly Dose
- (1:2 Liquid Extract)
10 20 mL - View Dosage Chart
Part Used
Flowering Tops
Family Name
Europe & North America
Constituents of Interest
- Verbascoside
- Forsythoside B
- Arenarioside
- Ballotetroside
- Malic Acid
Common Names
- Black Horehound
- Black Stinking Horehound
- Fetid Horehound
- Stinking Roger
- Unknown
- Avoid black horehound if pregnant or breastfeeding
Duration of Use
- insert
Botanical Information
Black horehound originated from Europe but is now widespread across North America as well. The herb can grow over 1 meter tall and tends to grow on the side of the road in rural areas.
What this plant is best known for is its disagreeable odor — which can be described as stale sweat. The Greek name, ballo translates to “getting rid of”, or “throwing away”. This smell protects the herb by repelling both animals and humans.
Pharmacology & Medical Research
+ Anticholesterolaemic
One of the major causes of atherosclerosis is the result of oxidization of low-density lipoproteins LDL) [1].
Some of the phenolic compounds in black horehound (verbascoside, forsythoside B, arenarioside, and ballotetroside) were found to inhibit LDL oxidation through Cu2+ pathway [2].
+ Antimicrobial
Five phenolic compounds from black horehound were investigated to explore their antimicrobial potential. Of these five, three (verbascoside, forsythoside B, arenarioside) were found to have moderate activity against Proteus mirabilis, Salmonella typhi, and Staphylococcus aureus [3, 4].
Another study looked at the antimicrobial effects of each part of the plant (leaves, roots, and stems). The results suggested the crude extract of the roots had the best inhibitory activity on the strains tested (Enterococcus faecalis, Escherichia coli, Klensiella pneumonia, Proteus miribalis, Salmonella typhi, and Staphylococcus aureus, Aspergillus fumigates, Aspergillus niger, Fusarium solani, and Leishmania) [5]. The leaf and stem chloroform extracts had similar antimicrobial action.
+ Sedative
Phenylpropanoid compounds from black horehound were found to bind to benzodiazepine, dopaminergic, and morphinic receptors in animals [6, 4]. This provides a mechanism of action for the traditional sedative uses of the herb — but more research is needed to further elucidate these findings.
The flowering tops (the part used medicinally) are rich in diterpenoid lactones (labdane type) — such as ballotenol, ballotinone, 7alpha-acetoxymarrubiin, hispanolone, and preleosibirin.
The tops are also rich in phenolic compounds (luteolin-7-lactate, luteolin-7-glucosyl-lactate), phenylpropanoid glycosides (verbascoside, forsythoside B, arenarioside, ballotetroside), organic acids (quinic acid), and volatile oils.
Cautions & Safety Information:
Black horehound is considered a safe herb, with little chances of experiencing any side effects.
Allergies to the herb have been noted, so caution is advised if using the herb for the first time. Always start with a small amount first to see how you react before using a full dose.
Black horehound may interact with the following medication classes:
Antipsychotic medications (overlap in receptor activation)
Anti-Parkinson’s disease medications (overlap in dopaminergic action)
Sedatives (overlap in sedative effects and benzodiazepine receptor activation)
Iron supplements (black horehound has been suggested to prevent the absorption of iron)
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Featured Herb Monographs
[1] — Steinberg, D. (1997). Low density lipoprotein oxidation and its pathobiological significance.
[2] — Seidel, V., Verholle, M., Malard, Y., Tillequin, F., Fruchart, J. C., Duriez, P., ... & Teissier, E. (2000). Phenylpropanoids from Ballota nigra L. inhibit in vitro LDL peroxidation.
[3] — Didry, N., Seidel, V., Dubreuil, L., Tillequin, F., & Bailleul, F. (1999). Isolation and antibacterial activity of phenylpropanoid derivatives from Ballota nigra.
[4] — Al-Snafi, A. E. (2015). The Pharmacological Importance of Ballota nigra–A review.
[5] — Ullah, N., Ahmad, I., & Ayaz, S. (2014). In vitro antimicrobial and antiprotozoal activities, phytochemical screening and heavy metals toxicity of different parts of Ballota nigra.
[6] — Daels-Rakotoarison, D. A., Seidel, V., Gressier, B., Brunet, C., Tillequin, F., Bailleul, F., ... & Cazin, J. C. (2000). Neurosedative and antioxidant activities of phenylpropanoids from Ballota nigra.
Lion's Mane (Hericium erinaceus)
What is Lion's Mane?
Lion's mane is a medicinal wood-rotting fungus with a characteristic growth pattern that resembles the shaggy mane of a lion.
The fungus prefers temperate forests in North America, Europe, and Asia where it thrives on living oak, beech, or conifer trees.
The medicinal benefit of lions mane primarily involve the nervous system. Modern applications use the mushroom for general cognitive health and as a natural nootropic substance.
This mushroom is also eaten as a delicacy — with a flavor similar to lobster when cooked with butter.
In recent years lion's mane has caught the eye of the nootropic community for its ability to up-regulate nerve growth factor.
Top Lion’s Mane Products
Host Defense Lion’s Mane Capsules
Host Defense Lion’s Mane Tincture
Host Defense Stamets 7
How Is Lion's Mane Used?
Lion's mane is mainly used for neurodegenerative disorders like dementia and multiple sclerosis. It's also popular as a nootropic agent for supporting optimal cognitive function long term.
Most of the people using this fungus take it in the form of a powdered capsule or tincture on a daily basis. Like most medicinal mushrooms, the biggest benefit comes from using the herb on a regular basis over long periods of time — rather than short bursts for quick impact of effects.
Traditional Use of Lion’s Mane
Lion’s mane mushrooms have a long history of use in Eastern Asia — including China, Korea, and Japan. Each of these regions used the mushroom for treating neurological disorders, including neurasthenia, and age-related cognitive decline, as well as for general health.
Herb Details: Lion's Mane
Herbal Actions:
- Antibacterial
- Anticancer
- Antidiabetic
- Antioxidant
- Cardioprotective
- Hepatoprotective
- Nervine
- Immunomodulator
Weekly Dose
- (1:2 Liquid Extract)
20-60 mL - View Dosage Chart
Part Used
- Fruiting Body
Family Name
- Hericiaceae
- North America, Europe, Russia, Mountainous regions of Asia
Constituents of Interest
- Hericnones
- Erinacines
- Lactones
- Polysaccharides
Common Names
- Lion's Mane
- Monkey's Head
- Hedgehog Fungus
- Pom Pom
- Houtou (China)
- Shishigashira (China)
- Yamabushitake (Japan)
- Safe during pregnancy.
Duration of Use
- Long term use acceptable and recommended.
Mycological Information
The Hericiaceae family of fungi are saprophytic (consumes dead wood), yet can be found growing on living trees as well. Many experts believe the mushroom has a mutualistic relationship with the tree for some time — helping it resist disease and infection, but will eventually consume the tree after it dies.
Hericium mushrooms normally grow in cooler, mountainous regions across the globe. It contains a number of species used medicinally and nutritionally.
Hericium spp. has characteristic "tooth" structures on its fruiting body, giving it a hair-like appearance.
Pharmacology & Medical Research
+ Neuroprotective
Lion’s mane offers several different mechanisms to produce its overall neuroprotective benefits:
- Antioxidant and free-radical scavenging activity [6]
- Anti-inflammatory activity
- Nerve-growth factor stimulation (hericium and erinacenes)
- Reduction of endoplasmic reticulum stress-dependant cell death (dilinoleolyl-phosphatidylethanolamine (DLPE) [7]
- Attenuation of beta-amyloid-related cognitive decline in animals (dementia model) [8]
- Enhance mylenation of neurons [9, 10, 11]
In animal studies, lion’s mane has been shown to reduce the severity of damage after a stroke — effectively protecting the sensitive neurons from ischemic damage [6].
Clinical Trials:
Study: Mori et al., 2009 — Improving effects of the mushroom Yamabushitake (Hericium erinaceus) on mild cognitive impairment: a double‐blind placebo‐controlled clinical trial. [5]
This randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial involving 30 Japanese men and women with mil cognitive impairment found that after 16 weeks, the lion’s mane group had significantly increased cognitive scores. These improvements were noted as early as the 8 week checkup, and continued to improve compared to placebo over the rest of the 16-week trial.
The dose of lion’s mane used in this study was 1 gram of dried lion’s mane taken three times per day.
Unfortunately, 4 weeks after the trial concluded, the scores had significantly decreased — indicating that these effects are not permanent and the mushroom needs to be continued to remain effective.
+ Nootropic
A nootropic is a substance that improves cognition without causing harm. There are a lot of nootropic substances that range from herbs like lion’s mane or rhodiola, to synthetic or prescription drugs like Modafinil or Noopept.
Lion’s mane is thought to be a nootropic through its ability to promote nerve-growth factor (NGF) in the brain. NGF is the most potent growth factor for the cholinergic neurons. it influences everything from the proliferation, differentiation, and survival of neuronal cells in the brain [8, 12].
Reductions in NGF has been considered a major implication in conditions such as depression, substance abuse, Alzheimer’s disease, and Huntington’s disease [12].
There have been a lot of studies looking at the role of lion’s mane and nerve growth factor — most of which have concluded that lion’s mane applications directly lead to an increase in NGF. This research has been done both in vivo and in vitro [13, 14, 15, 16].
This effect is very important. We can give peptides like NGF to people to treat these neurodegeneration, but these peptides rarely cross the blood brain barrier [9]. Therefore, finding alternative ways to boost NGF or other peptides in the brain are of the utmost importance in the treatment, prevention, and management of neurodegenerative disorders.
+ Immunomodulation
Like many other medicinal mushrooms, lion’s mane contains a high concentration of polysaccharides with immunomodulatory effects.
A lot of this study has been done in vitro with dendritic immune cells. These cells serve as the antigen-presenting cells that act as central mediators for the immune response as a whole. They’re responsible for a lot of the tolerance formed by the immune system to help maintain homeostasis.
Studies involving lions mane extracts have shown the fungus can stimulate the maturation of dendritic cells, induce dendritic cell activation, and modulate key T-helper (Th1) immune responses [17].
+ Anti-Inflammatory
Lion’s mane has been shown to influence a variety of inflammatory mediators, including:
Induces IL-1β expression through Nf-kB, NF-IL6, and activator protein 1 (AP-1) [18]
Induces iNOS gene expression to increase nitric oxide (NO) production in macrophages
Inhibits toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4)-JNK signalling on macrophages [19]
Phytochemistry of Lion’s Mane Mushrooms
Lion’s mane fruiting body and myclelia contain an exceptionally diverse range of unique bioactive substances — including polysaccharides, meroterpenoids (hericinones), cyathane diterpenoids (erinacines), steroids, alkaloids, and lactones.
The most significant constituents in terms of the mushrooms medicinal action are the hericenones and erinacines. Both of these substances have been shown to stimulate nerve growth factor in the central nervous system. This is thought to be the primary mechanism for which the fungus an improve the health and function of the nervous system.
Clinical Applications Of Lion's Mane:
Lion's mane has many uses, but the most well-known is as a neuroprotective, and nootropic benefits. It's useful for neurodegenerative disorders including multipple sclerosis, Alzheimer's disease, and Parkinson's disease.
Other uses include depression and anxiety, cancer, diabetes, gastrointestinal infection, and fatigue.
Cautions & Safety
Lion’s mane is a culinary mushroom that’s been used for both food and medicine by countless individuals over several hundreds of years. There are no expected short-term or long-term side effects from using the fungus.
Throughout the clinical research there have been no reports of serious side effects from using the fungus — including very high-potency extracts and long-term durations of use.
Caution advised with any blood clotting conditions or medications due to possible agonistic interactions — including haemophilia or other bleeding disorder, thrombocytopenia, or post-surgery. Lion’s mane may interact with blood thinners or anti-platelet medications.
Recent Blog Posts:
[1] — Friedman, M. (2015). Chemistry, nutrition, and health-promoting properties of Hericium erinaceus (lion’s mane) mushroom fruiting bodies and mycelia and their bioactive compounds. Journal of agricultural and food chemistry, 63(32), 7108-7123.
[2] — Liu, J., Du, C., Wang, Y., & Yu, Z. (2015). Anti-fatigue activities of polysaccharides extracted from Hericium erinaceus. Experimental and therapeutic medicine, 9(2), 483-487.
[3] — Thongbai, B., Rapior, S., Hyde, K. D., Wittstein, K., & Stadler, M. (2015). Hericium erinaceus, an amazing medicinal mushroom. Mycological progress, 14(10), 91.
[4] — Wong, K. H., Naidu, M., David, R. P., Bakar, R., & Sabaratnam, V. (2012). Neuroregenerative potential of lion's mane mushroom, Hericium erinaceus (Bull.: Fr.) Pers.(higher Basidiomycetes), in the treatment of peripheral nerve injury. International journal of medicinal mushrooms, 14(5).
[5] — Mori, K., Inatomi, S., Ouchi, K., Azumi, Y., & Tuchida, T. (2009). Improving effects of the mushroom Yamabushitake (Hericium erinaceus) on mild cognitive impairment: a double‐blind placebo‐controlled clinical trial. Phytotherapy Research, 23(3), 367-372.
[6] — Lee, K. F., Chen, J. H., Teng, C. C., Shen, C. H., Hsieh, M. C., Lu, C. C., ... & Huang, W. S. (2014). Protective effects of Hericium erinaceus mycelium and its isolated erinacine A against ischemia-injury-induced neuronal cell death via the inhibition of iNOS/p38 MAPK and nitrotyrosine. International journal of molecular sciences, 15(9), 15073-15089.
[7] — Nagai, K., Chiba, A., Nishino, T., Kubota, T., & Kawagishi, H. (2006). Dilinoleoyl-phosphatidylethanolamine from Hericium erinaceum protects against ER stress-dependent Neuro2a cell death via protein kinase C pathway. The Journal of nutritional biochemistry, 17(8), 525-530.
[8] — Mori, K., Obara, Y., Moriya, T., Inatomi, S., & Nakahata, N. (2011). Effects of Hericium erinaceus on amyloid β (25-35) peptide-induced learning and memory deficits in mice. Biomedical Research, 32(1), 67-72.
[9] — Phan, C. W., David, P., Naidu, M., Wong, K. H., & Sabaratnam, V. (2015). Therapeutic potential of culinary-medicinal mushrooms for the management of neurodegenerative diseases: diversity, metabolite, and mechanism. Critical Reviews in Biotechnology, 35(3), 355-368.
[10] — Kolotushkina, E. V., Moldavan, M. G., Voronin, K. Y., & Skibo, G. G. (2003). The influence of Hericium erinaceus extract on myelination process in vitro. Fiziol Zh, 49(1), 38-45.
[11] — Moldavan, M., Grygansky, A. P., Kolotushkina, O. V., Kirchhoff, B., Skibo, G. G., & Pedarzani, P. (2007). Neurotropic and trophic action of lion's mane mushroom Hericium erinaceus (Bull.: Fr.) Pers.(Aphyllophoromycetideae) extracts on nerve cells in vitro. International Journal of Medicinal Mushrooms, 9(1).
[12] — Chao, M. V., Rajagopal, R., & Lee, F. S. (2006). Neurotrophin signalling in health and disease. Clinical science, 110(2), 167-173.
[13] — Zhang, C. C., Yin, X., Cao, C. Y., Wei, J., Zhang, Q., & Gao, J. M. (2015). Chemical constituents from Hericium erinaceus and their ability to stimulate NGF-mediated neurite outgrowth on PC12 cells. Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry letters, 25(22), 5078-5082.
[14] — Samberkar, S., Gandhi, S., Naidu, M., Wong, K. H., Raman, J., & Sabaratnam, V. (2015). Lion's Mane, Hericium erinaceus and Tiger Milk, Lignosus rhinocerotis (Higher Basidiomycetes) medicinal mushrooms stimulate neurite outgrowth in dissociated cells of brain, spinal cord, and retina: an in vitro study. International journal of medicinal mushrooms, 17(11).
[15] — Lai, P. L., Naidu, M., Sabaratnam, V., Wong, K. H., David, R. P., Kuppusamy, U. R., ... & Malek, S. N. A. (2013). Neurotrophic properties of the Lion's mane medicinal mushroom, Hericium erinaceus (Higher Basidiomycetes) from Malaysia. International Journal of Medicinal Mushrooms, 15(6).
[16] — Mori, K., Obara, Y., Hirota, M., Azumi, Y., Kinugasa, S., Inatomi, S., & Nakahata, N. (2008). Nerve growth factor-inducing activity of Hericium erinaceus in 1321N1 human astrocytoma cells. Biological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin, 31(9), 1727-1732.
[17] — Sheu, S. C., Lyu, Y., Lee, M. S., & Cheng, J. H. (2013). Immunomodulatory effects of polysaccharides isolated from Hericium erinaceus on dendritic cells. Process biochemistry, 48(9), 1402-1408.
[18] — Son, C. G., Shin, J. W., Cho, J. H., Cho, C. K., Yun, C. H., & Han, S. (2006). Induction of murine interleukin‐1 beta expression by water‐soluble components from Hericium erinaceum 1. Acta Pharmacologica Sinica, 27(8), 1058-1064.
[19] — Mori, K., Ouchi, K., & Hirasawa, N. (2015). The anti-inflammatory effects of lion's mane culinary-medicinal mushroom, hericium erinaceus (higher basidiomycetes) in a coculture system of 3t3-L1 adipocytes and raw264 macrophages. International journal of medicinal mushrooms, 17(7).
Kratom (Mitragyna speciosa)
What is Kratom?
Kratom (Mitragyna speciosa) is a medicinal plant species native to Southeast Asia with powerful stimulating, pain-relieving, and euphoric effects.
As a member of the coffee family, it’s no surprise kratom is used to combat fatigue and work longer, more productive hours. But there are some other attributes to kratom that contradict this effect.
Kratom is stimulating in lower doses and sedative in higher doses. It acts on the opioid pain system and interacts with neurotransmitters like serotonin, dopamine, and noradrenaline.
This unique combination of relaxing, pain-killing, and stimulating effects gives kratom interesting applications. The most common use of the plant is to work longer hours, relieve joint and muscle pain, and help people with chronic pain transition away from highly addictive pain medications.
In this ultimate guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know about kratom.
Topics We'll Cover in This Monograph
1. What is kratom used for?
2. Kratom Technical Details
3. History of Kratom
4. Guide to Using Kratom Safely (Dosage Information
5. Kratom Strains (Red, White, Green)
6. Different Types of Kratom Products
7. Medical Research of Kratom
8. Kratom Active Constituents
9. Kratom Side Effects & Safety
10. Legality of Kratom Around the World
Let’s jump straight in. Feel free to jump around to the sections that interest you the most.
What is Kratom Used For?
There’s a few differences between how kratom is used today compared to its traditional uses.
Let’s cover each in more detail.
Traditional Uses of Kratom
Traditionally, the leaves of the plant were chewed raw or made into a strong tea. This delivered much lower doses of the plant than modern methods allow.
In low doses, the effects of kratom are highly stimulating — very similar to coffee or yerba maté. Because of this, most traditional uses of this plant revolve around its stimulating effects.
Kratom was used by laborers as a way to combat fatigue during the long, hard working hours. Some reports even suggest kratom was used to increase the body’s tolerance to the effects of the hot sun. The pain-killing effects of the herb may have contributed to this by dulling body aches and pains while working.
Kratom was really a herb of productivity. If you took kratom while working, you could work harder, faster, and longer than normal — ultimately, getting more done in a day.
Other uses of the herb included treatment for intestinal infections, diarrhea, and muscle pain [5].
Modern Uses of Kratom
Modern applications of the herb are much more extensive because it’s easier now to choose between a low dose for stimulating effects or high doses for more sedative effects.
Kratom powders are readily available and don’t rely on chewing the leaves to release the active compounds. We also have access to high-potency tinctures, capsules, and resin extracts thanks to modern extraction technologies.
1. Kratom For Energy
We can split the uses of kratom according to the dose.
Lower doses of the plant (2.5 – 7 mg) are generally much more stimulating and have better mood-enhancing effects. This is the most common dosage taken traditionally by workers looking to leverage the energizing effects of the plant.
Many of the active ingredients in kratom stimulate the adrenergic receptors in the brain — causing increased electrical activity, faster heart rate, higher blood pressure, and more energy overall.
These effects can last anywhere from 4 to 8 hours on a single dose.
2. Kratom for Anxiety & Sleep
Larger doses (over 8 grams) are more sedative — making these doses better for supporting sleep and anxiety. However, this effect is less reliable than the other uses of kratom because of the stimulating activity at lower doses. Some people simply can’t take higher doses of the plant without experiencing side effects — which won’t help you with your sleep.
Some strains are better than others for sleep and anxiety, so make sure you find a strain recommended for these uses specifically.
3. Kratom & Opiate Withdrawal
One of the most important uses of the plant comes from its opioid effects. Kratom is able to curb opioid withdrawal symptoms, making it less likely for people to relapse during this uncomfortable stage of the recovery process.
4. Kratom for Pain Management
Kratom is a popular alternative for pain management for its opioid pain killing properties and lower likelihood of addiction. People use this plant to numb pain without having to take highly addictive opiate pain medications like morphine, vicodin, oxycontin, or others.
5. Kratom For Mood
The opioid effects of kratom impacts mood regulation. The cascade caused by opioid receptor activation releases dopamine in the reward center of the brain, producing a mild euphoria and sense of wellbeing.
Other alkaloids in the kratom plant target serotonin release — another neurotransmitter associated with mood.
Because of these effects, many people report benefits to using kratom as a way to stabilize low moods during waves of depression or during stressful times.
6. Kratom as an Immunomodulator
One of the more interesting applications of kratom currently under investigation is its ability to support the immune system. Many of the alkaloids and saponins found in kratom are also found in a plant called cat’s claw (Uncaria tomentosa) — which is well-known for its ability to boost the immune system and protect the body from cancer, viral infection, or autoimmune disease. These alkaloids stimulate parts of the immune system such as the Th1 immune response and various prostaglandins and leukotrienes.
Research is still needed to fully understand if kratom exerts these same effects.
Comparing the Applications of Kratom According to Dose
Low Dose Applications of Kratom | High Dose Applications of Kratom |
Herb Details: Kratom
Herbal Actions:
- Sedative (High-Dose)
- Stimulant (Low-Dose)
- Analgesic
- Anxiolytic
- Nootropic (mild)
- Antimicrobial
- Antioxidant
- (Dried Powdered Herb)
2.5 to 15 grams
Part Used
Family Name
Methysticum speciosa
Southeast Asia
Constituents of Interest
- 7-Hydroxymitragynine
- Akuammiline
- Mitragynine
- Epicatechin
- Quinovic Acids
Common Names
- Kratom
- Kakuam
- Ketum
- Biak-biak
- Ithang
- Thom
- Unknown
- Avoid use during pregnancy.
Duration of Use
- Long-term use should be avoided to prevent addictive tendencies
A Brief History of Kratom
Kratom comes from various regions of Southeast Asia, including Thailand, Bali, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Papua New Guinea.
Here, kratom goes by the following names:
In these regions, the leaves of the kratom tree are chewed or smoked throughout the day, or brewed into a strong tea and mixed with honey or citrus fruits. It was popular among laborers as a way to combat fatigue as they worked long hours throughout the day.
For centuries, kratom helped people work harder, hunt for longer hours in the day, and manage pain caused by injuries or infection.
It wasn’t until the 1800s that the Western world caught wind of kratom. A botanist travelling through Malaysia noted the herb as a substitute for opium — which, at the time, was already heavily restricted.
Interest in kratom began to spread throughout Europe and eventually, North America. Still, it wasn’t nearly as popular as a stimulant as coffee and couldn’t compete as a pain medication with pharmaceuticals. Only in the last ten years has kratom really become popular in the Western world as an alternative to pain medications as the epidemic of drug addiction is at an all-time high.
Kratom remains a popular alternative option in Europe and the United States for pain management alongside cannabidiol (CBD) — which are often taken together.
Beginner’s Guide to Using Kratom
Getting started with kratom is simple — once you have your kratom, the next step is to figure out how much you should take, and how to prepare it.
Kratom Dose: How Much Kratom Should I Take?
The general dosage range for kratom leaf powder is 2.5 to 15 grams.
Note that concentrates can vary significantly, so always follow the directions on the label when using these products.
Everybody responds to the effects of kratom a little differently — so, play it safe if this is your first time using kratom. Start with a very low dose (2 grams), and increase gradually over time as you start to get a feel for how kratom affects your body individually.
A good process for beginners is to start with about 2 grams, wait 30 minutes, and follow up with another 1 gram every 30 minutes until you reach the desired level of effects.
If you start to experience side effects, like kratom wobble (more on this later), it means you’ve reached your dosage limit for that strain of kratom.
Once you find a dosage that works well for your body with that particular strain, you can be more confident in taking that dose from the beginning the next time you take kratom.
If you have a food scale, weigh your kratom for accuracy.
If you don’t have a scale, you can also use measuring spoons to get approximate doses. Use the table below to find the approximate equivalent dose from grams to teaspoons and tablespoons.
Imperial to Metric Conversions
Metric | Imperial |
2.5 Grams | 1 Teaspoon |
7 Grams | 1 Tablespoon |
How Do I Take Kratom?
There are two main methods of preparing kratom powder. Let’s go through the basic process for each method.
Method 1: Kratom Tea
This is the most common method of preparing kratom. All you need to do is mix your dose of kratom (2.5 – 15 grams) with about 500 mL or 1 L of boiling water.
Stir until the powder dissolves— you don’t want to end up with any clumps of undissolved kratom powder in the mix.
Once you’ve stirred the mixture for a minute or two, leave it for another couple of minutes to let the powder settle to the bottom of the cup.
Once there's a layer of sediment at the bottom, you can pour the kratom tea into drinking cups, making sure to avoid the sludge of undissolved kratom powder at the bottom.
The final step is to add honey or sugar to sweeten, and drink up!
Method 2: Toss & Wash
This is the simplest method. It’s not the most enjoyable, but it’s quick and requires little preparation.
All you have to do is measure out the dose of kratom you want to use (somewhere between 2.5 and 15 grams depending on personal preference).
The next step is to simply swallow the powder with a spoon and quickly rinse it down with some water, juice, milk, or other beverage.
The powder can be hard to swallow, so it’s better to try and take a few spoonfuls than to fit the entire dose in one spoon.
What Are the Different Kratom Strains?
Kratom contains an array of alkaloids, each with its own set of effects on the human body. Some are stimulating like caffeine from coffee, others activate the opioid pain receptors (relaxing and pain-killing effects), others work through completely different receptors in the central nervous system.
This means the effects of kratom depend highly on which alkaloids are most abundant in the leaves.
As with most plants, there are many forms of kratom — each producing their own ratio of active alkaloids — resulting in subtle changes in growth patterns such as, leaf and or vein color, and effect profiles.
We call these different forms of kratom strains.
Each strain of kratom adds its own twist on the general effect profile of the plant. All kratom has stimulating effects in low doses and sedative qualities in higher doses — however, some strains place more emphasis on one effect than the other. For example, some strains are better for pain (like Red Vein Borneo), while others have stronger immune supportive activity (like White Maeng Da).
Let’s cover the most common strains of kratom, what makes them unique, and what their effect profiles are.
There are a few different ways to catalog kratom strains, but I’ve found the best way is to look at the vein color of the plant. This gives us a clue as to which alkaloids are most prevalent in the sample, and therefore, what the effect profile is most likely to produce.
Let’s get into the details.
1. Red Vein Kratom
Red vein kratom is usually the best for fast-acting sedative action. These kratom strains tend to be rich in 7-Hydroxymitragynine compared to other colors (more on this alkaloid later).
Kratom with red leaf veins can be found all over Southeast Asia, as you’ll find from the list below — but most users report red vein kratom to have very similar effects regardless of its place of origin.
Most Popular Red Vein Kratom Strains
Maeng Da Thai — Red Vein
Red Vein Kali Powder
Red Vein Borneo
2. Green Vein Kratom
Kratom strains with green veins are widely considered to be the middle ground for kratom effects. This means they’re both stimulating and sedative, and offer good general effects towards pain, mood, and focus.
Covering both ends of the kratom spectrum, green vein can have many different effects, so the strain really does matter with these plants. Unlike white or red vein where the effects tend to be very similar no matter where the strain originates from.
Most Popular Green Vein Kratom Strains
Super Green Vein Malaysian
3. White Vein Kratom
White vein kratom has a low concentration of 7-Hydroxymitragynine.
Kratom with white veins tend to have more of a mind effect — increasing alertness and focus, as well as producing feelings of euphoria and improvements in mood.
Many users use white vein kratom in a similar manner to coffee or tea while working or studying. The effects of white vein kratom are more subtle than both red and green vein strains, and therefore, is a better option for daily use.
Most Popular White Vein Kratom Strains
Maeng Da Thai — White Vein
Sumatra White Vein
White Vein Borneo
What Forms of Kratom are Available?
There are a few different ways you can use kratom. The most popular method is to mix the dried, ground leaf powder with water to drink. This produces the strongest and most reliable level of effects but isn’t exactly an enjoyable beverage to drink.
Other ways people use kratom include capsules, kratom resin extracts, pre-mixed drinks, and alcohol or glycerine-based tinctures.
Let’s discuss the differences between each form of kratom and what the pros and cons of each are.
1. Kratom Powder
Kratom powder is the most versatile and cost-effective way of using kratom. You can mix it with water, juice or milk, or put it in capsules or tea bags yourself.
Traditionally, kratom leaves were chewed to get the effects of the plant. The chewing action breaks the leaves up, while enzymes in the saliva break down the cellular structure of the kratom cells — effectively releasing the active alkaloids into the body.
Modern techniques of drying and powdering the kratom replaces the job of chewing the leaves. All you need to do is find a way to get this leaf powder into the body for the effects to take hold.
Unfortunately, kratom has a strong bitter flavor, so it may be difficult to take the powder raw. For this reason, most people mix kratom with chocolate milk, fruit juice, or other drinks with a strong flavor to mask the bitterness of the kratom.
- Allows you to consume the entire leaf — which is the most efficient way of using kratom
- Powder is the most cost-effective way of using kratom
- Powders are the closest method to traditional kratom consumption
- Most kratom strains are available as a powder form
- Kratom powders don’t taste very good
- You need a fairly large dose of powder to feel the effects
- Kratom powders require a little bit of effort to prepare
2. Kratom Capsules
Another popular method of using kratom is to take them as a capsule. You can make capsules yourself by using a capsule-making machine and filling it with raw kratom leaf powder.
Commercially available kratom capsules are also available and are an excellent option for novice users.
Capsules allow you to take consistent doses of kratom and are one of the most convenient and discrete ways of using the herb. Nobody thinks twice when you take a capsule, as it looks a lot like a regular health supplement — while mixing the green, bitter powder into a drink may draw the attention of your coworkers.
- Discrete and convenient way of using kratom
- Provides consistent doses every time
- Not the cheapest way of using kratom
- You may need to take several capsules to feel the effects
- Not all strains are available in capsule form, unless you make them yourself from raw powder
3. Kratom Tinctures & Glycetracts
All herbs can be made into a tincture. The process involves rinsing the raw herb with alcohol, vegetable glycerine, or another solvent to extract the active ingredients through diffusion. Once most of the active compounds are removed from the leaves, the remaining fiber and cell structures of the plant are filtered out — leaving behind a liquid rich in active kratom compounds.
Tinctures allow you to take consistent doses of kratom without having to weigh the leaf powder. This method is more discrete and can be added to any beverage or taken directly in the mouth.
For even faster onset of effects, you can hold the tincture under the tongue where the kratom alkaloids will absorb through the microcapillaries located directly under the tongue — delivering the active compounds directly into the bloodstream.
You can make tinctures yourself from the leaf powder or buy commercially made products.
- One of the most convenient ways of using kratom
- Alcohol or vegetable glycerine preserve the kratom — dramatically increasing the shelf life
- Not the most cost-effective way of using kratom
- Some of the active compounds will be lost during the extraction process
- You may need to take fairly large amounts of the tincture to feel the effects
4. Kratom Resin Extracts
The active alkaloids of the kratom plant are most abundant in the plant's resin — which is a highly viscous fluid produced by the plant. This is where many active alkaloids are stored. Numerous plants have resins that can be removed and concentrated.
Kratom resin extracts are very popular and make using kratom super simple. Since this preparation has all the unnecessary plant parts removed (the fibers, cell walls, proteins, carbohydrates, etc.), you don’t need as much of this stuff to start feeling the effects.
For this reason, be very careful when using concentrated extracts. It doesn’t take much to go overboard with this stuff.
- Allows you to take much less kratom to experience the effects
- Kratom extracts are expensive
- The effect profile isn’t as robust as the raw plant material
How Does Kratom Work?
Kratom works primarily through the alkaloid content of the leaves. We’ll get into the details of what alkaloids are, and what the most important alkaloids in the kratom plant do in more detail later.
The most important thing to note here is that alkaloids tend to have powerful pharmacological effects on the human body because they have the ability to activate or inhibit various cell receptors around the body.
The human body uses receptors as a way to control cellular functions around the body. By activating or inhibiting these receptors, we can tell our cells to behave a certain way.
Caffeine for example, binds to the adenosine receptors which are responsible for making us sleepy. By binding to these receptors, it prevents this from happening — causing us to feel awake and alert.
In the kratom plant, there are over 24 different alkaloids — each with their own affinity for different receptors in the body.
The majority of effects from kratom rely on an activation of the opioid receptors (resulting in pain inhibition, sedation, and euphoria), and adrenergic receptors (causing the stimulating effects).
Some of these alkaloids have more novel effects such as, stimulating immune cells, modulating dopamine levels, or inhibiting noradrenaline.
Kratom is also rich in flavonoids, including epicatechin — which is one of the primary antioxidants found in green tea, chocolate, and grapes. These antioxidants provide protection from harmful free radicals and oxidative compounds we’re exposed to from the environment.
Pharmacology & Medical Research
Over the years, there’s been a lot of interest in kratom as a therapeutic agent. In the early 1980s, there was a particularly strong interest in the potential to use kratom as an alternative to addictive pain medications or for helping drug users wean themselves off the medication.
There’s also a wealth of research for using kratom for increasing energy levels, addressing anxiety symptoms, and alleviating opiate withdrawal symptoms.
Most of this research was done in the 1970s and 1980s before there was a sweeping ban of kratom in the United States and Europe. Although most of these bans have since been lifted, kratom research is not as abundant as it once was.
Another reason why research isn’t as common for kratom as other pant medicines is due to the incredible complexity of the plants constituents. There are at least 24 known alkaloids in kratom, each with their own potent effect profile. This makes it very hard to study the plant because there are so many variables. It’s much easier to study plants with one active ingredient than a plant with 24 or more active ingredients.
Nevertheless, I’ll break down some of the best research we have available for the most common applications of kratom.
+ Kratom For Energy
The earliest uses of kratom involve its stimulating properties. Several alkaloids in kratom activate the adrenergic receptors [5,6].
Hormones such as noradrenaline and adrenaline (catecholamines) activate the adrenergic receptors which causes several important changes in the body — namely, increased heart rate, blood pressure, and electrical activity in the brain. The result of these changes is what we commonly experience as the fight or flight response.
However, these effects are highly dose-dependent. Higher doses of kratom have much more sedative effects on the body as a result of the opioid activity of the plant [7].
+ Kratom for Opiate Addiction
The first suggestion that kratom could alleviate opiate withdrawal symptoms came from research published in the 1930s [3]. Since then, this application has gained a lot of attention.
So how does this work? What does the research suggest?
First, let’s discuss how opiate addiction works in the first place.
After frequent exposure to opioid drugs, the body begins to change its homeostatic balance as an attempt to resist the effects of the drug — resulting in what we call tolerance. Drug tolerance forces us to take larger doses of the drug to experience the same level of effects.
As soon as the drug-use stops, it’s metabolized and removed from the body. Unfortunately, the homeostatic changes the body made in response to the drug lead to a phenomenon known as withdrawal.
Withdrawal symptoms can last several days or weeks as the body struggles to readjust homeostatic mechanisms to reverse the adaptations made while taking the drug.
Opiate withdrawal can be severe — causing symptoms such as anxiety, insomnia, chills, fever, body aches, seizures, headaches, and hallucinations. These symptoms are often strong enough to force the user to seek out more of the drug to alleviate these symptoms — resulting in a relapse.
Therefore, one of the major goals of addiction treatment is to alleviate the symptoms of withdrawal while the user goes through the detox process.
The most common medications used for this stage are methadone and buprenorphine — however, both these medications can also lead to a second stage of opiate and opiate-like drug dependance.
Kratom is a strong candidate for opiate withdrawal symptoms because it has the potential to alleviate opiate withdrawal symptoms without possessing nearly the same chances of secondary addiction.
So how does this work? Is there any data to back this up?
Kratom alkaloids alleviate opioid withdrawal symptoms in zebrafish (a common model of addiction) [4].
Unfortunately, there aren’t many high-quality studies on this application of kratom. The best data we have at the moment involves anecdotal evidence of people who successfully weaned themselves off opiate drug addiction, and animal research including the study cited above.
It’s likely kratom’s effects on the opioid system are much more complicated than simply activating these receptors in place of the opioid medications. This could explain why kratom has a lower incidence of addiction compared to specific opioid agonist medications such as morphine, fentanyl, methadone, and oxycontin.
More research is needed to fully understand the role kratom might play in helping people wean off addictive opiate drugs like heroin, vicodin, morphine, fentanyl, and oxycontin.
+ Kratom For Pain
Since kratom is able to exert its effects through the opioid system, it’s not surprising the herb possesses pain-relieving benefits. The opioid system is integral to the transmission of pain from the body to the brain. Mu- and gamma-opioid receptors located in the spinal cord and brain regulate the transmission of pain signals.
By activating the opioid receptors, kratom inhibits pain signals and reduces both chronic and acute pain.
A study published in 2009, highlighted the pain-killing and anti-inflammatory effects of kratom [8]. The study gave rats a standardized extract of kratom known as MSM at doses of 100 and 200 mg/kg. A significant reduction in both inflammation and pain were noted in the rats following the treatment with kratom.
Researchers in the study suggested the anti-inflammatory effects were a result of lipoxygenase and cyclooxygenase inhibition.
The pain-relief is likely a combined result of the anti-inflammatory effects and opioid receptor activation.
+ Kratom For Focus
Kratom alkaloids possess adrenergic [5] and serotonergic [9] activity. Additionally, through the opioid system, kratom alkaloids like mitragynine are theorized to possess secondary dopaminergic and GABAergic effects in the brain [10, 11].
All of these effects are associated with cognitive performance and focus. Many of the most popular cognitive enhancing supplements and medications rely on activating one or more of these pathways in the brain.
Although there’s no research currently available that explores this interaction more closely, there's plenty of anecdotal reports that suggest kratom can boost focus and attention — especially with white veined kratom strains.
This is another area where more research is welcomed to fully elucidate the applications of kratom.
Kratom Constituents: What Are Kratom Alkaloids?
Kratom is a rich source of indole and oxindole alkaloids similar to caffeine. It’s also rich in antioxidant flavonoids, and pharmacologically-active saponins and glycoside derivatives.
The main constituents of kratom are mitragynine, paynantheine, speciogynine, and 7-Hydroxymitragynine — which collectively make up around 90% of the alkaloid content of the plant.
The alkaloid content of kratom plants can vary significantly. Even within the same strain, the alkaloid content can change depending on how much rain there was during the growing season, the altitude in which the plants are grown, and how soon the leaves were harvested during the season.
It’s thought the kratom plant produces these alkaloids as a way to defend itself from insects and animals and as a way to store excess nitrogen.
A) Kratom Alkaloids
Alkaloids are notorious for having powerful pharmacological effects on the human body.
Some of the most well-known alkaloids include caffeine (stimulant), cocaine (stimulant), morphine (pain-killer), nicotine (stimulant), ephedrine (stimulant), and ibogaine (psychedelic).
Alkaloids can be beneficial to the body, but they can also be quite toxic — as with the case of strychnine, aconitine, or coniine.
Kratom is exceptionally rich in alkaloids — most of which have been confirmed to be pharmacologically active in humans.
By far the most abundant alkaloid in kratom is mitragynine, so most of the current research explores his compound. However, over 23 other alkaloids have also been discovered, many of which have been investigated more closely for their effects.
Some of these alkaloids are even found in other useful plant species such as yohimbe or cat’s claw — both of which have a great deal of research highlighting their effect profiles.
Let’s briefly explore each alkaloid in kratom and their interaction with the human body.
1. 7-Hydroxymitragynine
This alkaloid is analgesic, antitussive (inhibits coughing), and antidiarrheal [12]. It’s also considered one of the key mu-opioid receptor agonists and one of the main alkaloids in red vein kratom strains.
2. 9-Hydroxycorynantheidine
This alkaloid is a partial opioid agonist — which means it’s not as strong as other alkaloids in the plant at activating the opioid pain receptors. However, many experts believe this alkaloid works through a different mechanism and can amplify the pain-killing effects of other alkaloids like mitragynine or 7-hydroxymitragynine.
3. Ajmalicine
Ajmalicine is also found in another popular stimulating herb known as yohimbe and Rauwolfia serpentina. Extracts of this same alkaloid from the yohimbe plant is referred to as δ-yohimbine.
There’s actually a lot of information available on this alkaloid, and there are synthetic versions available used in the treatment of high blood pressure.
Ajmalicine is an α-1 adrenergic receptor antagonist, which goes against many of the other alkaloids in the plant. It’s believed this alkaloid works as a smooth muscle relaxant, mild sedative, and helps reduce some of the side effects of other prevalent kratom alkaloids.
4. Akuammiline
Akuammiline is in the indole class of alkaloids and is also found in abundance in the akuamma seed (Picralima nitida) — which is where the name comes from.
This compound is structurally very similar to yohimbine and mitragynine — and likely offers a similar set of effects.
5. Ciliaphylline
There isn’t much research available on ciliaphylline, but it’s believed to be analgesic and antitussive (cough-suppressant) from preliminary research.
6. Corynantheidine
This alkaloid is a mu-opioid antagonist — which works against many of the other alkaloids in the plant. This compound is also found in yohimbe and acts as an α1-adrenergic and α2-adrenergic receptor antagonist (inhibitor).
7. Corynanthine
There isn’t much research on this alkaloid currently available, but some studies observed it to provide mild calcium channel blocking activity.
8. Corynoxine A & B
These two alkaloids have dopaminergic, neuroprotective, and mild sedative effects. Corynoxine A is also found in the medicinal herb cat’s claw (Uncaria tomentosa).
9. Iso Mitraphylline
This compound is a potent immunostimulant — suggested to provide the marhodity of the immune supportive effects of kratom despite making up less than 1% of the total alkaloid profile of the plant.
10. Isopteropodine
Isopteropodine is another immunostimulant and a 5-HTP modulator and mood supportive. This compound is involved in the concentration and mood-enhancing effects of some kratom strains.
11. Isorhynchophylline
Isorhynchophylline is found in Chinese cat’s claw (Uncaria rhynchophylla) and has immunostimulating and calcium channel blocking effects [13]. There isn’t much research currently available on this particular alkaloid.
12. Mitragynine
Mitragynine is considered the primary alkaloid in the kratom plant, responsible for the majority of the plants effects. It was the first discovered, and makes up roughly 66% of the total alkaloid profile of the kratom plant.
This alkaloid is an opioid receptor agonist, miod adrenergic receptor agonist, and 5HT2A (serotonin) receptor agonist. Its primary effects are antitussive (cough suppressant), anti-diarrheal, analgesic (pain-relieving), and central nervous stimulant and sedative.
13. Mitraphylline
Mitraphylline is an oxindole alkaloid with vasodilating, blood pressure lowering, muscle relaxing, and diuretic activity.
14. Mitraversine
This alkaloid is sometimes found in kratom but is more commonly found in a closely related species — Mitragyna parvifolia.
15. Paynantheine
This alkaloid is the second most abundant alkaloid in most kratom strains (though not all). It’s a smooth muscle relaxant and has minor activity on the opioid and adrenergic receptors. There’s a synthetic version of this compound available at the moment undergoing preliminary research.
16. Rhynchophylline
Rhynchophylline is found in both kratom and Chinese cat’s claw (Uncaria rhynchophylla). It’s been studied for its hypotensive effects — which were noted to leave blood flow in the kidneys unaffected [13]. Decreased blood flow in the kidneys is a serious side effect of modern pharmaceutical blood pressure medications — so there’s a lot of interest in this compound as a potential new blood pressure medication.
This alkaloid is also suggested to be an anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, NMDA receptor agonist, dopaminergic, serotonergic, and antiarrhythmic through calcium channel blocking activity. All of these suggested effects need to be studied in further detail to confirm.
17. Speciociliatine
This compound is a diastereomer of mitragynine — which means it’s very similar in structure to mitragynine.
This alkaloid is a weak opioid agonist and may inhibit acetylcholine release from presynaptic nerve terminals.
18. Speciogynine
This alkaloid is very similar in structure to the primary kratom alkaloid mitragynine and the third most abundant alkaloid in the plant. It’s thought to have muscle relaxant properties, and is attributed for a lot of kratoms stress-reduction effects.
19. Speciophylline
Speciophylline is another alkaloid kratom that has in common with cat’s claw. There isn’t much research on this compound, but early research suggests it may have anticancer activity — specifically towards leukemia cell lines.
B) Other Compounds in Kratom
1. Epicatechin
Epicatechin is a flavonoid with potent antioxidant effect. It’s abundant in the plant kingdom, best known for its role in providing many of the health benefits of green tea (Camellia sinensis), chocolate (Theobroma cacao), and grapes (Vitis vinifera).
2. Daucosterol
Daucosterol is classified as a saponin — which is another class of compound that often possess pharmacologically active effects in animals. This particular saponin is thought to contribute to the anti-inflammatory activity of kratom. It’s been shown to induce Th1 immune responses in animals [15] — which is a key component of a healthy immune system.
Daucosterol has also been shown to promote the regeneration of neural stem cells in vitro [16].
3. Quinovic Acids
Kratom shares a lot in common with cat’s claw — one of the world's premier immune-supportive herbs. Quinovic acids are another group of compounds the two herbs have in common.
Quibovic acids are classified as triterpene saponins. They’ve been shown to have potent antiviral activity in vitro [17], though more research is needed to see if this effect applies in living animals as well.
Safety & Side-Effects of Kratom
Caution is advised whenever using kratom. The effects can be very unpredictable, and the oposing effects some strains have from each other make it unreliable as a form of treatment for many conditions. If using kratom for its stimulating effects but sedation is delivered the condition can worsen. Only use kratom with the advice or observation of an experienced individual and only for minor conditions. Speak with your doctor before trying kratom is taking any medications or if you have any medical conditions.
Kratom Side Effects
Kratom doesn’t come without side effects — however, with responsible use the side effects of kratom acan be managed and mitigated.
The primary activity of kratom works through the opioid receptors and adrenergic receptors — so naturally, the most common side effects of the plant stem from the interaction with these receptors.
Adrenergic side effects cause a similar set of side effects of stress. This is because the adrenergic system is closely associated with the stress response.
Adrenergic side effects of kratom:
Dry mouth
Increased urination
Rapid heartbeat
The opioid effects of kratom may produce a completely different set of side effects which are similar to other opioid medications.
Opioid side effects of kratom:
Nausea or vomiting
Itchy nose
Increased urination
Despite the fact that most of these side effects are very rare and only tend to show up if kratom is used in high doses, it’s important to consider the potential dangers of using kratom. As with any compound, you can always take too much. Be responsible when taking kratom and listen to your body.
With that said, there’s a trio set of side effects that many users experience if they take too much. These side effects are one of the main reasons kratom doesn't tend to cause addiction. To take enough kratom to “nod out” — which is the goal for a lot of recreational users, you're more than likely to experience something called the kratom wobble before you get enough of the herb to start nodding out.
What Is the “Kratom Wobble?”
So-called kratom wobble is the most common side effect from high doses of kratom. It causes dizziness and loss of coordination. It can make users feel quite unwell.
Kratom wobble has 3 main symptoms:
Blurry vision
These effects are more common in some strains of kratom than others. The likelihood a specific kratom is to cause these side effects is called the wobble threshold.
Strains with a low wobble threshold are more likely to cause wobble side effects if you take too much. Strains with a high wobble threshold will have a much lower chance of causing these effects if you go slightly over the optimal dose for your body.
The lower the wobble threshold, the more likely that strain is of causing kratom wobble — especially in higher doses.
What Happens if I Experience Kratom Wobble?
The first thing you need to do when you experience wobble effects is to relax. Panicking is only going to amplify the effects. Instead, find somewhere comfortable to sit or lay down and gather yourself. The effects will usually pass within a few minutes but may last up to 3 hours.
Many people find it helps to drink ginger tea or warm water.
If you experienced wobble while taking kratom, make sure to reduce the dose the next time you take kratom, or find a strain that’s less likely to cause these effects.
The most common cause for kratom wobble is taking too much. This is a sign you’ve hit your dose limit for that particular strain of kratom.
Is Kratom Dangerous?
Just about everything is dangerous if you take enough of it — kratom is no different. There have been some reports of people dying from kratom — however, this is over-sensationalized in media reports. In most of these cases, kratom was abused or mixed with other drugs.
Never do this.
Kratom is a powerful medicinal plant and should be treated with respect.
Stick within the recommended dosage limits, don’t mix kratom with other drugs or medications, and listen to what your body is telling you.
There are plenty of safety studies on kratom — the majority of which report little to no toxicity even in very high doses. An older study (1972) investigating the safety profile of the main alkaloid in kratom — mitragynine — found that even after significantly high doses (920 mg/kg), there were no deaths [2].
This is an insanely high dose. In the average 150 lbs. person, this is the equivalent of over 62,000 mg of kratom (62 grams).
That’s five times the high-end of the recommended dose and nine times the average 7 g dose.
Is Kratom Addictive?
The most concerning potential long-term side effect of kratom use is addiction.
Kratom is an opioid agonist, much the same way oxycontin or heroin is — however, unlike these pharmaceuticals, kratom contains dozens of active ingredients, each acting on different pathways in the body. This gives kratom a more rounded effect profile and has a much lower chance of leading to addiction.
In fact, kratom is often limited in its addictive qualities because the dose can only go so high before it causes the user to feel kratom wobble or other unwanted side effects. You can’t get high from kratom the same way you can with pharmaceutical opioid drugs.
Short term, low dose, or sporadic use of the plant is highly unlikely to result in addiction and is even used to help wean people off addictive drugs.
With that said, be careful when using opioid agonist plants or medications. Speak with your doctor before using the plant if you have a history of addiction — especially to opiate-based drugs or medications.
Kratom Legality
Kratom has a shaky legal history. It’s been banned, unbanned, and banned again all around the world. The laws on whether or not you can order kratom can be difficult to navigate.
Here’s a brief overview on the current legal climate around kratom.
Is Kratom Legal in the United States?
In the United States, kratom was banned, then unbanned, then banned again. It’s a rollercoaster ride trying to keep up with the changing laws. The argument goes back and forth whether kratom is useful for avoiding or treating addiction or if it causes addiction.
At the moment, kratom is legal on a federal level and banned in specific states or municipalities.
+ States Where Kratom is Banned
- Alabama
- Arkansas
- Indiana
- Rhode Island
- Vermont
- Wisconsin
In some states, the laws aren't black and white. For example, kratom is legal in the state of California, but banned in the city of San Diego. There are similar examples of this in Florida, where kratom is only banned in the Sarasota county.
+ States Where Kratom is Legal
- Alaska
- Arizona
- California (Except San Diego)
- Colorado (Except Denver)
- Connecticut
- Delaware
- Florida (Except Sarasota county)
- Georgia
- Hawaii
- Idaho
- Illinois (Except Jerseyville)
- Iowa
- Kansas
- Kentucky
- Louisiana
- Maine
- Maryland
- Massachusetts
- Michigan
- Minnesota
- Mississippi (Except Union County)
- Missouri
- Montana
- Nebraska
- Nevada
- New Hampshire
- New Jersey
- New Mexico
- New York
- North Carolina
- North Dakota
- Ohio
- Oklahoma
- Pennsylvania
- South Carolina
- South Dakota
- Tennessee
- Texas
- Utah
- Virginia
- Washington
- West Virginia
- Wyoming
Is Kratom Legal In Europe?
Kratom is very hit/miss in Europe. Some countries have decided to ban the plant because of fears of addiction, while others allow its use as a way for people to avoid addiction to prescription medications.
+ Legal
- Austria
- Belarus
- Belgium
- Bulgaria
- Croatia
- Czech Republic
- France
- Germany
- Greece
- Holland
- Hungary
- Moldova
- Netherlands
- Norway
- Portugal
+ Illegal
- Ireland
- Italy
- Latvia
- Lithuania
- Poland
- Romania
- Russia
- Sweden
- Turkey
- United Kingdom
- Denmark
- Finland
Is Kratom Legal in Asia and Australasia?
Starting with Thailand in 1943, and neighboring countries in the years following, kratom use and cultivation were banned. There’s a lot of conspiracy around this which we’ll get into later in the “Is Kratom Legal Where I Live” section.
To summarize, many people believe it was the pharmaceutical companies that lobbied against kratom because it was widely used by people as a substitute for opioid medications or to wean opiate addicts off these drugs. The main argument is that kratom is significantly less addictive than these medications, and despite the potential for uncomfortable side effects, the herb is much safer than prescription pain medications.
Nevertheless, kratom was banned in Thailand, and massive fines were given to anybody caught using, or growing the herb. Later in 2018, these laws were finally redacted and kratom is now a major economic export for the country.
Other Southeast Asian countries have had similar bans on kratom — many of which have been overturned.
+ Legal
- Thailand (medicinal only)
- Bali
- China (legal grey-area)
+ Illegal
- Malaysia
- South Korea
- Australia
- Japan
- New Zealand
- Myanmar
- Singapore
- Vietnam
Final Thoughts: Kratoms Usefulness & Safety index
Kratom is an incredibly useful plant. It has stimulating effects similar to coffee or tea in lower doses and sedative effects similar to kava in higher doses. It has powerful pain-killing activity and can even be used to boost mood and our immune systems.
The contradictory set of effects kratom provides have boggled researchers for decades as they try to decipher the interaction between dozens of active alkaloids and other phytochemicals found in the plant.
After a few decades of banishment in the United States and much of Europe, the research on these chemicals fell out of interest. Only within the last 10 years or so has interest in the plant peaked again and research resumed.
Many people are finding usefulness for the plant as an alternative to coffee in the morning, for managing chronic or tough to treat pain without having to take pharmaceutical pain medications, boost focus and concentration, or stabilize mood.
As with any powerful medicine, it’s important you treat kratom with respect if you want to avoid side effects and stay safe.
Justin Cooke, BHSc
The Sunlight Experiment
Recent Blog Posts:
Popular Herbal Monographs
[1] — Jansen, K. L., & Prast, C. J. (1988). Ethnopharmacology of kratom and the Mitragyna alkaloids. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 23(1), 115-119.
[2] — Macko, E., Weisbach, J. A., & Douglas, B. (1972). Some observations on the pharmacology of mitragynine. Archives internationales de pharmacodynamie et de thérapie, 198(1), 145.
[3] — Jansen, K. L., & Prast, C. J. (1988). Psychoactive properties of mitragynine (kratom). Journal of psychoactive drugs, 20(4), 455-457.
[4] — Khor, B. S., Jamil, M. F. A., Adenan, M. I., & Shu-Chien, A. C. (2011). Mitragynine attenuates withdrawal syndrome in morphine-withdrawn zebrafish. PLoS One, 6(12).
[5] — Hassan, Z., Muzaimi, M., Navaratnam, V., Yusoff, N. H., Suhaimi, F. W., Vadivelu, R., ... & Jayabalan, N. (2013). From Kratom to mitragynine and its derivatives: physiological and behavioural effects related to use, abuse, and addiction. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 37(2), 138-151.
[6] — Beckett, A. H., Shellard, E. J., & Tackie, A. N. (1965). The Mitragyna Species of Species of Asia-Part IV. The alkaloids of the leaves of Mitragyna speciosa Korth.. Isolation of Mitragynine and Speciofoline1. Isolation of Mitragynine and Speciofoline1. Planta Medica, 13(02), 241-246.
[7] — Prozialeck, W. C., Jivan, J. K., & Andurkar, S. V. (2012). Pharmacology of kratom: an emerging botanical agent with stimulant, analgesic and opioid-like effects. The Journal of the American Osteopathic Association, 112(12), 792-799.
[8] — Mossadeq, W. S., Sulaiman, M. R., Mohamad, T. T., Chiong, H. S., Zakaria, Z. A., Jabit, M. L., ... & Israf, D. A. (2009). Anti-inflammatory and antinociceptive effects of Mitragyna speciosa Korth methanolic extract. Medical Principles and Practice, 18(5), 378-384.
[9] — Matsumoto, K., Mizowaki, M., Suchitra, T., Murakami, Y., Takayama, H., Sakai, S. I., ... & Watanabe, H. (1996). Central antinociceptive effects of mitragynine in mice: contribution of descending noradrenergic and serotonergic systems. European Journal of Pharmacology, 317(1), 75-81.
[10] — Klitenick, M. A., DeWitte, P., & Kalivas, P. W. (1992). Regulation of somatodendritic dopamine release in the ventral tegmental area by opioids and GABA: an in vivo microdialysis study. Journal of Neuroscience, 12(7), 2623-2632.
[11] — Sasaki, K., Fan, L. W., Tien, L. T., Ma, T., Loh, H. H., & Ho, K. (2002). The interaction of morphine and γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) ergic systems in anxiolytic behavior: using μ-opioid receptor knockout mice. Brain research bulletin, 57(5), 689-694.
[12] — Ponglux, D., Wongseripipatana, S., Takayama, H., Kikuchi, M., Kurihara, M., Kitajima, M., ... & Sakai, S. I. (1994). A new indole alkaloid, 7 α-hydroxy-7H-mitragynine, from Mitragyna speciosa in Thailand. Planta medica, 60(06), 580-581.
[13] — Shi, J. S., Yu, J. X., Chen, X. P., & Xu, R. X. (2003). Pharmacological actions of Uncaria alkaloids, rhynchophylline and isorhynchophylline. Acta Pharmacologica Sinica, 24(2), 97-101.
[14] — León, F., Habib, E., Adkins, J. E., Furr, E. B., McCurdy, C. R., & Cutler, S. J. (2009). Phytochemical characterization of the leaves of Mitragyna speciosa grown in the USA. Natural product communications, 4(7), 1934578X0900400705.
[15] — Lee, J. H., Lee, J. Y., Park, J. H., Jung, H. S., Kim, J. S., Kang, S. S., ... & Han, Y. (2007). Immunoregulatory activity by daucosterol, a β-sitosterol glucoside, induces protective Th1 immune response against disseminated Candidiasis in mice. Vaccine, 25(19), 3834-3840.
[16] — Jiang, L. H., Yang, N. Y., Yuan, X. L., Zou, Y. J., Zhao, F. M., Chen, J. P., ... & Lu, D. X. (2014). Daucosterol promotes the proliferation of neural stem cells. The Journal of steroid biochemistry and molecular biology, 140, 90-99.
[17] — Aquino, R., De Simone, F., Pizza, C., Conti, C., & Stein, M. L. (1989). Plant Metabolites. Structure and In Vitro Antiviral Activity of Quinovic Acid Glycosides from Uncaria tomentosa and Guettarda platypoda. Journal of natural products, 52(4), 679-685.
Yerba Maté (Ilex paraguariensis)
Kava (Piper methysticum)
Rhodiola (Rhodiola rosea)
Rhodiola Summary
Rhodiola was made famous by some earlier research done by Russian scientists in the 1960's. Although a lot of this research still hasn't been released to the public, there has been a lot of new studies put forward to make up for this loss.
Rhodiola is well revered as an adaptogen for treating fatigue, cognitive decline, depression, and for athletic enhancement. It's considered to be a mild stimulant, though it doesn't produce the "wired" feeling many other stimulants produce. It increases energy levels and makes us more tolerant of stressful situations.
Although there is still a lot of research lacking, we know that Rhodiola can reduce cortisol levels in the body after exposure to stress, however, the details on how this interaction exists is still not well understood. There is also a great deal of confusion around which chemicals are active in the herb, some studies showing the rosavins, others tyrosol and the rhodiolasides.
As a result, each manufacturer tends to have a preference for one chemical group over the other in their products.
What is Rhodiola Used For?
*Rhodiola rosea* is mainly used for its adaptogenic qualities, especially those specific to lowering cortisol levels. It's reliable for improving fatigue in debilitated or chronically fatigued people, as well as those experiencing generalized adaptive disorder, depression, or acute periods of extreme stress.
Rhodiola is a popular nootropic additive for increasing focus and mental endurance and is popular among athletes for increasing physical endurance as well.
Herb Details: Rhodiola
Weekly Dose
- (1:2 Liquid Extract)
20–40 mL - View Dosage Chart
Part Used
- Root/Rhizome
Family Name
- Crassulaceae
- Northern climates of North America, Asia, and Europe
Herbal Actions:
- Adaptogen
- CNS Stimulant (mild)
- Antidepressant
- Cardioprotective
- Nootropic
Constituents of Interest
- Rosavin
- Tyrosol
- Salidroside
- Rhodiolaside
Common Names
- Rhodiola
- Rose Root
- Arctic Root
- Golden Root
- King's Crown
Duration of Use
- Long-term use of rhodiola is acceptable.
Botanical Information
Although Rhodiola rosea is the preferred species used, there are many species used in various indigenous medical systems such as Rhodiola alterna, Rhodiola brevipetiolata, Rhodiola crenulata, Rhodiola kirilowii, Rhodiola quadrifida, Rhodiola sachalinensis, and Rhodiola sacra.
The Crassulaceae family contains 34 genera and 1400 species. Most of the plants in this family can be found in colder climates.
Another medicinal species in this family is Kalanchoe.
Habitat Ecology, & Distribution:
Rhodiola grows at high altitude, mountainous regions of Europe, Asia, the Arctic, and North America.
Pharmacology & Medical Research
+ Altitude Sickness
Salidroside and Tyrosol from Rhodiola cerrulea extracts have been shown to regulate AMPK [11], which plays a major role in energy homeostasis [10]. It was also shown to maintain sodium channel transport by preserving NA+, K+, ATPase activity. The authors concluded that this mechanism may be responsible for Rhodiolas ability to reduce the symptoms of altitude sickness, particularly HAPE [11].
+ CNS Stimulant
Numerous clinical trials have demonstrated the CNS stimulating activity of Rhodiola rosea [8] based on various cognitive and fatigue scores.
Other studies have found the use of rhodiola at varying doses inconclusive as a stimulant [7].
+ Memory & Cognitive Performance
Rhodiola extracts have been shown in animal models to improve learning capacity and short/long-term memory in animals trained to perform certain tasks [2].
Rhodiola has been shown to inhibit monoamine oxidase (both MAO-A and MAO-B) in animal studies [4].
+ Depression
MAO-A inhibitors are effective in the treatment of depression [20]. Rhodiola has been shown to inhibit MAO-A & B in animal studies [4]. Other animal studies investigating the use of rhodiola on depression has shown a non-dose dependent improvement on depression scores in mice, which is due to the tyrosin and rhodiolaside content specifically [16, 18, 19].
A randomized double-blind clinical trial using a standardized Rhodiola rosea extract showed a significant antidepressant activity in the treatment group compared to placebo. This was based on various depressive symptoms including insomnia, emotional instability, and somatization. [17].
+ Stress And Fatigue (Adaptogenic)
A group of 56 healthy physicians in a double-blind randomized clinical trial were either given Rhodiola rosea extracts or placebo control for 2 weeks. Physicians were chosen based on criteria that investigated the likelihood that these physicians would experience mental exhaustion during a normal shift. A series of tasks were then given after each night shift to investigate any changes on mental fatigue as measured by a set of complex tasks. All of the physicians treated with Rhodiola rosea were noted to show improved test scores compared to those not treated with the herb. These effects were observed to be most active after two weeks of use, and not a single adverse reaction was reported during the study. [3].
Another study investigating the mental and physical effects of a long term, low dose (SHR-5 50 mg) on students during examination periods found significant improvements on test scores among the treatment group [9]. They were looking for the presence of mental and physical fatigue indications. The only test that showed no improvement in this study was the tapping test (muscular activation).
A study investigating the effects of Rhodiola rosea on free cortisol levels in chronically fatigues patients noted a reduction in cortisol levels after just a single treatment, and significantly after a 28-day course of treatment [21]. Rhodiola was also shown to reduce serum blood levels of cortisol after a stressful event in rabbits [22].
Animal research has shown that Rhodiola rosea extracts can reduce the expression of c-Fos in the hypothalamus of rats [23]. The expression of this gene is considered to be a valuable marker for identifying the activation of cells in the central nervous system associated with the stress response [24]. This suggests the mechanism of action for Rhodiola rosea on reducing cortisol levels is the result of HPA modulation in the hypothalamus, such as increasing feedback sensitivity and therefore reducing overall CRH release rather than acting directly on the adrenal glands.
+ Withdrawal
A Rhodiola rosea extract was shown to improve withdrawal symptoms in mice, with a noted increase in 5HT activity in treated animals. [1].
Clinical Applications Of Rhodiola:
Rhodiola serves as a reliable adaptogen with little to no side effects noted in any of the studies listed. It's useful for those suffering from high-stress conditions, chronically fatigued, or depressed.
This herb is also useful for increasing athletic performance in athletes and reducing the chances of being affected by altitude sickness when traveling above 2500 meters.
Caution when using Rhodiola with mania as the mental stimulation may produce negative side effects.
Recent Blog Posts:
Mannucci, C., Navarra, M., Calzavara, E., Caputi, A. P., & Calapai, G. (2012). Serotonin involvement in Rhodiola rosea attenuation of nicotine withdrawal signs in rats. Phytomedicine, 19(12), 1117-1124. [animal studies]
Petkov, V. D., Yonkov, D., Mosharoff, A., Kambourova, T., Alova, L., Petkov, V. V., & Todorov, I. (1986). Effects of alcohol aqueous extract from Rhodiola rosea L. roots on learning and memory. Acta physiologica et pharmacologica Bulgarica, 12(1), 3-16. [animal studies]
Darbinyan, V., Kteyan, A., Panossian, A., Gabrielian, E., Wikman, G., & Wagner, H. (2000). Rhodiola rosea in stress induced fatigue—a double blind cross-over study of a standardized extract SHR-5 with a repeated low-dose regimen on the mental performance of healthy physicians during night duty. Phytomedicine, 7(5), 365-371. [RCT]
Van Diermen, D., Marston, A., Bravo, J., Reist, M., Carrupt, P. A., & Hostettmann, K. (2009). Monoamine oxidase inhibition by Rhodiola rosea L. roots. Journal of ethnopharmacology, 122(2), 397-401. [animal studies]
Ganzera, M., Yayla, Y., & Khan, I. A. (2001). Analysis of the marker compounds of Rhodiola rosea L.(golden root) by reversed phase high performance liquid chromatography. Chemical and pharmaceutical bulletin, 49(4), 465-467. [chemical analysis]
Panossian, A., Wikman, G., & Sarris, J. (2010). Rosenroot (Rhodiola rosea): traditional use, chemical composition, pharmacology and clinical efficacy. Phytomedicine, 17(7), 481-493. [review article]
Shevtsov, V. A., Zholus, B. I., Shervarly, V. I., Vol'skij, V. B., Korovin, Y. P., Khristich, M. P., ... & Wikman, G. (2003). A randomized trial of two different doses of a SHR-5 Rhodiola rosea extract versus placebo and control of capacity for mental work. Phytomedicine, 10(2), 95-105. [RCT]
Panossian, A., & Wagner, H. (2005). Stimulating effect of adaptogens: an overview with particular reference to their efficacy following single dose administration. Phytotherapy Research, 19(10), 819-838. [Review]
Spasov, A. A., Wikman, G. K., Mandrikov, V. B., Mironova, I. A., & Neumoin, V. V. (2000). A double-blind, placebo-controlled pilot study of the stimulating and adaptogenic effect of Rhodiola rosea SHR-5 extract on the fatigue of students caused by stress during an examination period with a repeated low-dose regimen. Phytomedicine, 7(2), 85-89. [RCT].
Lee, S. Y., Shi, L. S., Chu, H., Li, M. H., Ho, C. W., Lai, F. Y., ... & Chang, T. C. (2013). Rhodiola crenulata and its bioactive components, salidroside and tyrosol, reverse the hypoxia-induced reduction of plasma-membrane-associated Na, K-ATPase expression via inhibition of ROS-AMPK-PKCξ pathway. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 2013. [in vitro].
Reznick, R. M., & Shulman, G. I. (2006). The role of AMP‐activated protein kinase in mitochondrial biogenesis. The Journal of physiology, 574(1), 33-39.
Kerharo, J., & Adam, J. G. (1974). La pharmacopée sénégalaise traditionnelle: plantes médicinales et toxiques. (Pharmacopoeia).
Steinegger, E., & Hansel, R. (1992). Pharmakognosie 5 Aufl. Kap 6.2. 1. Freie Phenolcarbonsauren Springer Verlag Berlin. (Pharmacopoeia).
Hjaltalin, O. J. (1830). Islenzk grasafrædi. Koben havn.
Kurkin, V. A., Dubishchev, A. V., Ezhkov, V. N., Titova, I. N., & Avdeeva, E. V. (2006). Antidepressant activity of some phytopharmaceuticals and phenylpropanoids. Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal, 40(11), 614-619.
Darbinyan, V., Aslanyan, G., Amroyan, E., Gabrielyan, E., Malmström, C., & Panossian, A. (2007). Clinical trial of Rhodiola rosea L. extract SHR-5 in the treatment of mild to moderate depression. Nordic journal of psychiatry, 61(5), 343-348.
Perfumi, M., & Mattioli, L. (2007). Adaptogenic and central nervous system effects of single doses of 3% rosavin and 1% salidroside Rhodiola rosea L. extract in mice. Phytotherapy Research, 21(1), 37-43.
Panossian, A., Nikoyan, N., Ohanyan, N., Hovhannisyan, A., Abrahamyan, H., Gabrielyan, E., & Wikman, G. (2008). Comparative study of Rhodiola preparations on behavioral despair of rats. Phytomedicine, 15(1-2), 84-91.
Priest, R. G., Gimbrett, R., Roberts, M., & Steinert, J. (1995). Reversible and selective inhibitors of monoamine oxidase A in mental and other disorders. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 91(s386), 40-43.
Olsson, E. M., von Schéele, B., & Panossian, A. G. (2009). A randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel-group study of the standardised extract shr-5 of the roots of Rhodiola rosea in the treatment of subjects with stress-related fatigue. Planta medica, 75(02), 105-112.
Panossian, A., Hambardzumyan, M., Hovhanissyan, A., & Wikman, G. (2007). The adaptogens Rhodiola and Schizandra modify the response to immobilization stress in rabbits by suppressing the increase of phosphorylated stress-activated protein kinase, nitric oxide and cortisol. Drug target insights, 2, 117739280700200011.
Xia, N., Li, J., Wang, H., Wang, J., & Wang, Y. (2016). Schisandra chinensis and Rhodiola rosea exert an anti-stress effect on the HPA axis and reduce hypothalamic c-Fos expression in rats subjected to repeated stress. Experimental and therapeutic medicine, 11(1), 353-359.
Luckman, S. M., Dyball, R. E., & Leng, G. (1994). Induction of c-fos expression in hypothalamic magnocellular neurons requires synaptic activation and not simply increased spike activity. Journal of Neuroscience, 14(8), 4825-4830.
Periwinkle (Vinca major)
Chinese Clubmoss (Huperzia serrata)
What is Chinese Club Moss?
Chinese clubmoss, (otherwise known as Chinese firmoss) is a type of moss found in subtropical parts of Southern China, India, and the United States.
The whole herb can be used as a cognitive enhancer, and to treat organophosphate poisoning and neurodegenerative disorders like Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease.
The main form this herb can be found in, however, is its concentrated extract of the alkaloid huperzine-A.
Huperzine-A is a popular addition to nootropic formulas for its ability to inhibit acetylcholinesterase. Thus improving reaction times, memory retrieval and storage, and preventing or slowing the onset of Alzheimer's disease. The potency of this chemical is astounding, as less than a mg of the extract is necessary to reach a therapeutic dose.
Huperzine-A can be found alone but is best taken in a formulation or stacked with other nootropic formulas. It's especially beneficial when in combination with racetams like piracetam or aniracetam, or choline donors like alpha-GPC.
You can find huperzine-A in formulas like Onnit Alpha-Brain, or by itself.
+ Mechanisms
- Acetylcholinesterase inhibitor
- NDMA modulator
- Antiglutamate
What is Chinese Clubmoss Used For?
Clubmoss isn't commonly used in Western herbal medicine but has a long history of use in traditional Chinese medicine. With that said, the most common uses for this herb are for treating neurological disorders — primarily involving memory loss.
The nootropic supplement huperzine-A is popular for enhancing focus and concentration. There is virtually no clinical research on the safety or effectiveness of this compound, however.
Traditional Uses of Chinese Clubmoss (Firmoss)
Usage of this herb can be traced all the way back to the Tang dynasty in China. It was mainly used during this time to treat rheumatism, colds and flus, and to relax the muscles and tendons.
More modern Chinese medicinal uses include bruises, sprains, poor circulation, swelling, organophosphate poisoning, myasthenia gravis, schizophrenia, and Alzheimers.
Herb Details: Chinese Clubmoss
Herbal Actions:
- Nootropic
- Neuroprotective
- Antioxidant
Daily Dose
- (Concentrated Huperzine-A Extract)
50–200 mcg/day - View Dosage Chart
Otheer Relevant Species
- Lycopodium serratum
- Huperzia elmeri
- Huperzia carinat
- Huperzia aqualupian
Part Used
- Whole herb
Family Name
- Lycopodiaceae
- Clubmoss is found worldwide — thee species most commonly used for its huperzinee-A content (Huperzia serrata) is found predominantly in Asia.
Constituents of Interest
- Huperzine-A
Common Names
- Chinese Firmoss
- Qian Ceng Ta (China)
- "Thousand layer pagoda"
- Ground pine
- Creeping cedar
- Shi Song (China)
Duration of Use
- Avoid long-term use in therapeutic doses.
Botanical Information
All club mosses differ from true mosses by their vascular structure. Like other moss, Chinese clubmoss reproduces via spores instead of seeds.
These plants can live a very long time, and only grow up to 10 cm in height.
Habitat Ecology, & Distribution:
Huperzia serrata originates from India, and Southeast China, but are distributed worldwide. They tend to be easily found in subtropical zones in the United States and Southern China.
Due to the value of this herb as a cognitive enhancer, it has been over-harvested in many places where it can be found.
Pharmacology & Medical Research
+ Cognitive Enhancement:
Huperzia serrata contains an alkaloid known as huperzine-A. This alkaloid has been shown to produce anti-acetylcholinesterase activities in the brain [6-]. With fewer enzymes breaking down the acetylcholine, this neurotransmitter becomes more abundant and is more readily available for presynaptic neurons.
Huperzine-A is more effective at inhibiting acetylcholinesterase due to its ability to pass the blood-brain barrier more readily than other medications [9].
Additionally, huperzine-A has been reported to act as an NDMA receptor agonist. This results in a greater release of nerve growth factor (NGF) in the brain.
+ Alzheimer's Disease
There have been several reviews, including a Cochrane review on this herb for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease. All of these studies have noted a possible improvement in Alzheimer's therapy following Huperzine-A containing species. However, all noted a lack of large, long-term, clinical trials on the subject. [6-8].
The primary mechanism of action is suggested to be through a reduction in acetylcholinesterase, and subsequent amyloid beta plaquing on the neurons. [6].
+ Anti-Seizure
C#urrently, huperzine-A has been shown to posess anticonvulsant activity in mice [10]. Further studies are now underway.
+ Parkinson's Disease
Currently, only mice trials have been conducted. Protective effects have been noted in these mice trials, however. [11].
An alkaloid known as huperzine-A is currently regarded as the main active ingredient for the cognitive enhancing effects of Huperzia serrata.
This alkaloid is suggested to account for roughly 0.1% of the dry weight of the herb [1]. Analogs of both Huperzine-A and Huperzine-B have both been made. [3-5].
A similar alkaloid is also contained known as fordine.
In total, this herb contains flavonoids, alkaloids (lycopodine, lycodines including huperzine-A, fawcettimines, and more), triterpenes, flavones, and phenolic acids. [2].
This is a very safe herb to use, even in its concentrated extraction form of Huperzine-A. Side effects of the concentrated extract can include gastrointestinal discomfort and upset, restlessness, headaches, high blood pressure, sweating, appetite suppression.
Never use huperzine-A supplements while pregnant or breastfeeding.
Chinese clubmoss is not recommended for people with heart disease, seizure disorders, emphysema, or urinary tract blockages.
Consult your doctor if taking other medications and wish to take Huperzia spp. supplements or concentrated extracts.
A common addition to nootropic formulas for its cholinergic actions. It's suggested to be especially beneficial with racetams like piracetam due to similar effects on acetylcholine.
Recent Blog Posts:
Yu CM, Tang XC, Liu JS, Han YY, inventors. Huperzines and analogs. US Patent 5,177,082. January 5, 1993.
Ma X, Tan C, Zhu D, Gang DR, Xiao P. Huperzine A from Huperzia species—an ethnopharmacolgical review. J Ethnopharmacol . 2007;113(1):15-34.
Darrouzain F, André C, Ismaili L, Matoga M, Guillaume YC. Huperzine A—human serum albumin association: chromatographic and thermodynamic approach. J Chromatogr B Analyt Technol Biomed Life Sci . 2005;820(2):283-288.
Jiang H, Luo X, Bai D. Progress in clinical, pharmacological, chemical and structural biological studies of huperzine A: a drug of traditional Chinese medicine origin for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease. Curr Med Chem . 2003;10(21):2231-2252.
Dvir H, Jiang HL, Wong DM, et al. X-ray structures of Torpedo californica acetylcholinesterase complexed with (+)-huperzine A and (-)-huperzine B: structural evidence for an active site rearrangement. Biochemistry . 2002;41(35):10810-10818.
Li J, Wu HM, Zhou RL, Liu GJ, Dong BR. Huperzine A for Alzheimer's disease. Cochrane Database Syst Rev . 2008;(2):CD005592
Desilets AR, Gickas JJ, Dunican KC. Role of huperzine A in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease. Ann Pharmacother . 2009;43(3):514-518.
Kelley BJ, Knopman DS. Alternative medicine and Alzheimer disease. Neurologist . 2008;14(5):299-306.
Wang R, Yan H, Tang XC. Progress in studies of huperzine A, a natural cholinesterase inhibitor from Chinese herbal medicine. Acta Pharmacol Sin . 2006;27(1):1-26.
Bialer M, Johannessen SI, Kupferberg HJ, Levy RH, Perucca E, Tomson T. Progress report on new antiepileptic drugs: a summary of the Eigth Eilat Conference (EILAT VIII). Epilepsy Res . 2007;73(1):1-52.
Chen LW, Wang YQ, Wei LC, Shi M, Chan YS. Chinese herbs and herbal extracts for neuroprotection of dopaminergic neurons and potential therapeutic treatment of Parkinson's disease. CNS Neurol Disord Drug Targets . 2007;6(4):273-281
Tea (Camellia sinensis)
Schizandra (Schisandra chinensis)
Cannabis (Cannabis sativa/indica)
Cannabis Overview
Cannabis is well known for its psychoactive effects, causing temporary changes in visual and auditory perception.
The cannabis plant is also a rich source of medicinal compounds. Cannabinoids related to THC exert medicinal action through the endocannabinoid system — a critical component of homeostasis.
Many of these cannabinoids aren't psychoactive, and wont produce the 'high' associated with the plant in their isolated forms.
Compounds like CBD, have become especially popular as a supplement recently for its broad medicinal benefits.
There are plenty of uses for cannabis — however, product selection, strain choice, and cannabinoid profiles make a big difference in the effects produced by the plant. It's important to use the right type of cannabis for the job.
What is Cannabis Used For?
Using cannabis as medicine poses challenges due to the large variety of effects each cannabinoid possesses. Different cannabinoid and terpene ratios can produce different effect profiles.
The plant has many claimed benefits, and though a lot of them can be validated, it's not a miracle plant.
Cannabis is especially reliable for a few key symptoms:
- Lowering various forms of inflammation
- Improving microbiome diversity (through CB2 receptor activity)
- Reducing nervous excitability
- Reducing convulsions
- Improving sleep onset and maintenance
- Lowering pain
Using cannabis as medicine should be attempted with caution due to the degree of variability the plant produces in terms of effect profile. What this means is that some cannabis extracts will make symptoms like anxiety worse, while others can dramatically improve it.
Choosing the right strain or extract is of the utmost importance when using cannabis as medicine.
The effects of cannabis can be contradictory:
- It's both a stimulant and a sedative
- It increases appetite, and suppresses it
- It increases immune activity, and suppresses inflamamtion
These effects all contradict themselves in most cases. The reason this happens is because the cannabinoids work through a regulatory pathway (endocannabinoid system) rather than on a particular organ function.
It's similar to how adaptogens like ginseng, ashwagandha, or reishi produce often contradictory or bidirectional results.
+ Indications
- Anorexia
- Cancer
- Crohn's disease
- Dystonia
- Epilepsy
- General anxiety disorder
- Glaucoma
- Gout
- Insomnia
- Menstrual cramping
- Multiple Sclerosis
- Neuropathic pain
- Osteoarthritis
- Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Schizophrenia (Caution)
- Social anxiety disorder
- Substance abuse/addiction
- Ulcerative colitis
+ Contraindications
- Only use cannabis medicinally following the direction of a qualified medical practitioner.
- Caution with anxious or depression.
- May worsen symptoms of psychosis
- Avoid use alongside medications unless first discussing with your doctor.
+ Potential Side-Effects
- Apathy (long-term use)
- Bronchitis (smoking)
- Cough (smoking)
- Depression
- Dizziness
- Dry eyes
- Dry mouth
- Eye reddening
- Fatigue
- Hallucinations
- Headache
- Heart palpitations
- Hypertension/Hypotension
- Increased appetite
- Lightheadedness
- Menstrual changes
- Nausea/vomiting
- Numbness
- Paranoia
- Tachycardia
Herb Details: Cannabis
Weekly Dose
- (CBD content in mg)
70–700 mg - View Dosage Chart
Part Used
- Leaves, flowers, seeds
Family Name
- Cannabacea
- Worldwide
Herbal Actions:
- Sedative/Stimulant
- Anti-emetic
- Anti-spasmodic
- Anti-convulsant
- Analgesic
- Antinflammatory
- Appetite Suppressant/Stimulant
- Adaptogen
- Anti-cancer
- Antioxidant
Common Names
- Cannabis
- Marijuana
- Hemp
- Mary Jane
- Herb
- Avoid use while pregnant and nursing.
Duration of Use
- Long-term use acceptable. Recommended to take breaks periodically.
- CYP2C9
- CYP3A4
Botanical Information
Cannabis plants are members of the Cannabacea family. This small family comprises only 11 different genuses, and about 170 species.
Some common members of the family are hops (Humulus spp.) and celtis (Celtis spp.). The celtis genus contains the largest collection of species by far, with over 100 different species. Cannabis and Humulus are the closest related genus' in the group by far.
There are three species of cannabis:
1. Cannabis sativa
Cannabis sativa is a tall, fibrous plant. It's high in cannabinoids, terpenes, and other phytochemicals — giving it many uses medicinally.
Cannabis sativa is the most commonly cultivated species. There are hundreds, if not thousands of different phenotypes of this species — the most important being hemp — which is a non-psychoactive, high fiber plant valued as both a health supplement and textile. It's also used for food (seeds), and to make biodeisel.
There are also Cannabis sativa strains high in the psychoactive component — THC — which make it popular as both medicine and recreational intoxicant.
2. Cannabis indica
Cannabis indica grows as s shorter, bushier plant. It's hgiher in THC, and there are few low-THC phenotypes available for this plant.
This species of cannabis is most often used recreationally.
3. Cannabis ruderalis
Cannabis ruderalis is a small, herbaceus plant more closely related to Cannabis sativa than Cannabis indica. It's low in cannabinoids, and terpenes, as well as fiber — limiting its value to humans.
This species has the unique ability to initiate flower production irrelevant to day length. Plant breeders have started mixing the plant with other species to gain these benefits. This makes cultivation easier in areas where day length is too short or too long for optimal cannabis cultivation.
There are 421 compounds in the cannabis plant [1], at least 66 of these are cannabinoids — some sources report as many as 112.
The top 6 cannabinoids in the plant (CBD, CBG, CNN, THC, THCV, and CBC), account for the vast majority of the cannabinoid profile.
The phenotype of the cannabis used is the primary determining factor for the cannabinoid profile of each plant.
Hemp plants for example, contain much higher levels of CBD, and lower levels of THC. Marijuana strains are the opposite, contianing high THC, and lower CBD.
Depending on the strain, this can vary dramatically — and you can find almost any combination of cannabinoid possible.
The Cannabinoids:
Cannabinoids are a class of phytochemical compounds resembling the structure of our naturally occurring ecosanoid endocannabinoids; anandamide, and 2-AG. There are roughly 66 of these compounds in the cannabis plant, and a few found in other species of plants as well — such as helichrysum and echinacea.
Although the cannabinoids are very similar, their binding activity varies a lot [14]. Some bind to CB1 receptors (located primarily in the central nervous system), others bind to CB2 receptors (found primarily in immune tissue). Some cannabinoids will even bind to both, or work by increasing the concentrations of naturally occurring endocannabinoids instead.
Due to the wide range of variability between each cannabinoid, it’s useful to go over them in greater detail individually.
1. CBC
CBC is the third most abundant cannabinoid in the cannabis plant.
It’s non-psychoactive.
CBC is far less studied than the two preceding cannabinoids CBD, and THC, though early research is starting to suggest it’s even better for treating conditions like anxiety than the famed CBD.
CBC content can be increased in the cannabis plant by inducing light-stress on the plant [5].
CBC Medicinal Actions
Mild sedative
Receptors Affected
Vanilloid receptor agonist (TRPV3 and TRPV4) [4]
2. CBD
In many cases, CBD is the most abundant cannabinoid. Only selectively bred cannabis strains will have higher THC concentrations than CBD.
CBD is famed for many reasons. It offers a wide range of medicinal benefits, and has been well-studied and validated over the past two decades.
CBD oils, e-liquids, and edibles have become highly popular in recent years as more of this research is being released and translated for the general public.
CBD Medicinal Actions
Mild appetite suppressant
Lowers stress
Mild sedative
Receptors Affected
Adenosine (A2a) reuptake inhibitor [6]
Vanilloid pain receptors (TRPV1, TRPV2, TRPV3) [7]
5HT1A receptor agonist (serotonin receptor) [6]
FAAH (–) [6, 7]
PPARγ nuclear receptor (+) [48]
Mg2+‐ATPase (−) [11]
Arylalkylamine N‐acetyltransferase (−) [44]
Indoleamine‐2,3‐dioxygenase (−) [45]
15‐lipoxygenase (−) [46]
Phospholipase A2 (+) [11]
Glutathione peroxidase (+) [47]
Glutathione reductase (+) [47]
5‐lipoxygenase (−) [46]
CYP1A1 (−) [40]
CYP1A2 & CYP1B1 (−) [40]
CYP2B6 (−) [41]
CYP2D6 (−) [42]
CYP3A5 (−) [43]
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3. CBG
CBG is an early precursor for many of the other cannabinoids including THC.
Plants harvested early will be high in this compound.
Many users report that strains high in CBG are less likely to cause anxiety, and are good for people experiencing acute stress.
This is likely due to its role in blocking the serotonergic effects of THC through the 5-HT1A serotonin receptors [9].
CBG Medicinal Actions
Mild sedative
Receptors Affected
4. CBN
CBN is made from THC. As THC content breaks down with time, or heat, CBN levels increase overall.
Older harvested plants that have gone past their window of ripeness will be much higher in CBN.
It’s mostly non-psychoactive but may have some mild psychoactivity in some people.
Products or strains high in CBN will produce more of a heavy feeling and are best used for treating conditions like insomnia or anxiety.
This cannabinoid is potentially the most sedative of the group.
CBN Medicinal Actions
Appetite stimulant
Receptors Affected
CB1 receptor agonist [10].
5. THC
THC is the main psychoactive compound in the cannabis plant.
There are two main types:
Delta-8-THC — contained in very small amounts
Delta-9-THC — the most abundant form of THC in the cannabis plant
THC activates both CB1 and CB2 endocannabinoid receptors, causing changes in neurotransmitters like dopamine, norepinephrine, and most importantly, serotonin. It’s this change in neurotransmitter levels that produce the bulk of the high experienced by this compound.
Aside from its psychoactive effects, THC has medicinal benefits of its own.
It’s mentally stimulating and has some potent antidepressant effects through its euphoric effects.
THC Medicinal Actions
Appetite stimulant
Sedative (low doses)
Stimulant (high doses)
Receptors Affected
THCV is the fraternal twin of THC.
It’s virtually identical except for one slight chemical difference — THCV is missing two carbon atoms.
This makes the effects of THCV very similar to THC — but is much weaker in its effects.
One study reported THCV as being 20-25% as strong as THC in its psychoactive effects [12].
There are others affected by this, including CBCV, and CBDV, though they are in far less concentrations.
THCV Medicinal Actions
Appetite suppressant
Receptors Affected
Vanilloid receptor agonist (TRPV3 and TRPV4) [13].
7. Other Cannabinoids
There are also a lot of cannabinoids that can be found in much lower concentrations.
These make up the bottom 5% of the cannabinoid profile.
Few of these cannabinoids have many studies on them aside from chemical mapping to identify their structure.
We may see more research on these cannabinoids in the near future.
Some Novel Cannabinoids Include:
CBCV (cannabichromevarin)
CBDV (cannabidivarin)
CBE (cannabielsoin)
CBGM (cannabigerol monomethyl ether)
CBGV (cannabigerovarin)
CBL (cannabicyclol)
CBT (cannabicitran)
CBV (cannabivarin)
A Note On Synthetic Cannabinoids
There are also synthetic cannabinoids. These are compounds that are similar in shape and function to cannabinoids produced in our bodies, or in the cannabis plant.
It’s recommended that you stay far away from the synthetic cannabinoids — not only do they lack many of the medicinal actions of cannabis, they have the potential to cause serious harm.
The street drug known as “spice” is a combination of various synthetic cannabinoids. They were designed as an attempt to circumvent the legal hurdles preventing the sale of cannabis products for recreational use — and have since become a major cause of addiction and abuse.
+ Side-Effects of Synthetic Cannabinoid Use
- Agitation and anxiety
- Blurred vision
- Chest pain
- Death
- Hallucinations
- Heart attack
- High blood pressure
- Kidney failure
- Nausea and vomiting
- Paranoia
- Psychosis
- Racing heart
- Seizures
- Shortness of breath
+ List of Synthetic Cannabinoids
- JWH-018
- JWH-073
- JWH-200
- AM-2201
- UR-144
- XLR-11
- AKB4
- Cannabicyclohexanol
Cannabis Terpenes
Terpenes are a class of compounds characterized by their volatile nature, and hydrocarbon-based structure. These are contained in high amounts in the essential oil of plants.
Terpenes have a very low molecular weight, and will evaporate under low temperatures. This, combined with their characteristic aromas is what gives many plants their scent. Conifer trees, fruits, and many flowers (including cannabis) all owe their aroma to their terpene profile.
Each plant can contains hundreds of different terpenes — many of which will even overlap into unrelated plant species. Cannabis shares terpenes with pine trees, many different flowers, citrus fruits, and nutmeg, among others.
Terpenes add flavor as well as additional medicinal benefits. Terpenes often have antibacterial, antiviral, antinflammatory, and anxiolytic effects.
+ List of Cannabis Terpenes
- A-humulene
- a-Terpenine
- Alpha Bisabolol
- alpha-Terpineol
- Alpha/Beta Pinene
- Beta-Caryophyllene
- Bisabolol
- Borneol
- Camphene
- Caryophyllene oxide
- D-Linalool
- Eucalyptol (1, 8 cineole)
- Geraniol
- Guaiol
- Isopulegol
- Limonene
- Myrecene
- Nerolidol
- p-Cymene
- Phytol
- Pulegone
- Terpineol-4-ol
- Terpinolene
- Trans Ocimene
- Valencene
- ∆-3-carene
Cannabinoids work by mimicking the endocannabinoids anandamide and 2-AG.
Learn more about cannabinoid metabolism.
Clinical Applications of Cannabis
As an herb, cannabis is very useful. It works through a set of receptors most other plants don’t interact with — the endocannabinoid system.
The endocannabinoid system plays a major role in maintaining homeostasis. This gives cannabis an effect profile similar to adaptogens — but through different mechanisms.
Cannabis is similar to adaptogens in that it offers a bidirectional effect profile — which means it can both increase, and decrease tissue function according to its homeostatic baseline.
But cannabis isn’t quite an adaptogen because it can’t increase the bodies resistance to stress, and doesn’t appear to exert any action on the hypothalamus or adrenal glands directly.
Although cannabis has broad actions and therefore can provide benefit to a wide range of body systems — choosing the right product, strain, and phenotype for the job is critical.
An experienced herbalist or naturopath using cannabis will take into account the cannabinoid profile, terpene content, and anecdotal effects of each strain or CBD product being used.
Unlike other herbs, you have to be very particular about the type of cannabis being used for each condition.
What Constitutes “Medicinal” Cannabis?
There’s a big difference between using cannabis because “it’s healthy”, and using it as a therapeutic agent aimed at treating a specific disease process.
Although it can be used as both, daily supplementing cannabis or extracts like CBD don’t constitute medical cannabis.
However, you can use cannabis to address the symptoms, or underlying causes for some conditions.
Caution advised whenever using cannabis due to the potential for intoxicating side-effects. Without careful consideration of cannabinoid profile, some strains, or cannabis products may make symptoms for certain conditions worse — especially anxiety, psychosis, bipolar disorder, and insomnia.
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Sharma P, Murthy P, Bharath M.M.S. (2012). Chemistry, Metabolism, and Toxicology of Cannabis: Clinical Implications. Iran J Psychiatry 2012; 7:4: 149-156
Aizpurua-Olaizola, O., Soydaner, U., Öztürk, E., Schibano, D., Simsir, Y., Navarro, P., ... & Usobiaga, A. (2016). Evolution of the cannabinoid and terpene content during the growth of Cannabis sativa plants from different chemotypes. Journal of natural products, 79(2), 324-331.
Shevyrin, V. A., & Morzherin, Y. Y. (2015). Cannabinoids: structures, effects, and classification. Russian Chemical Bulletin, 64(6), 1249-1266.
De Petrocellis, L., Orlando, P., Moriello, A. S., Aviello, G., Stott, C., Izzo, A. A., & Di Marzo, V. (2012). Cannabinoid actions at TRPV channels: effects on TRPV3 and TRPV4 and their potential relevance to gastrointestinal inflammation. Acta physiologica, 204(2), 255-266.
De Meijer, E. P. M., Hammond, K. M., & Micheler, M. (2009). The inheritance of chemical phenotype in Cannabis sativa L.(III): variation in cannabichromene proportion. Euphytica, 165(2), 293-311.
Nelson, K., Walsh, D., Deeter, P., & Sheehan, F. (1994). A phase II study of delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol for appetite stimulation in cancer-associated anorexia. Journal of palliative care.
Bisogno, T., Hanuš, L., De Petrocellis, L., Tchilibon, S., Ponde, D. E., Brandi, I., ... & Di Marzo, V. (2001). Molecular targets for cannabidiol and its synthetic analogues: effect on vanilloid VR1 receptors and on the cellular uptake and enzymatic hydrolysis of anandamide. British journal of pharmacology, 134(4), 845-852.
De Petrocellis, L., Vellani, V., Schiano-Moriello, A., Marini, P., Magherini, P. C., Orlando, P., & Di Marzo, V. (2008). Plant-derived cannabinoids modulate the activity of transient receptor potential channels of ankyrin type-1 and melastatin type-8. Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 325(3), 1007-1015.
Cascio, M. G., Gauson, L. A., Stevenson, L. A., Ross, R. A., & Pertwee, R. G. (2010). Evidence that the plant cannabinoid cannabigerol is a highly potent α2‐adrenoceptor agonist and moderately potent 5HT1A receptor antagonist. British journal of pharmacology, 159(1), 129-141.
Farrimond, J. A., Whalley, B. J., & Williams, C. M. (2012). Cannabinol and cannabidiol exert opposing effects on rat feeding patterns. Psychopharmacology, 223(1), 117-129.
Pertwee, R. G. (2008). The diverse CB1 and CB2 receptor pharmacology of three plant cannabinoids: Δ9‐tetrahydrocannabinol, cannabidiol and Δ9‐tetrahydrocannabivarin. British journal of pharmacology, 153(2), 199-215.
Hollister, L. E. (1974). Structure-activity relationships in man of cannabis constituents, and homologs and metabolites of Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol. Pharmacology, 11(1), 3-11.
Pertwee, R. G. (2006). The pharmacology of cannabinoid receptors and their ligands: an overview. International journal of obesity, 30(S1), S13.
Compton, D. R., Rice, K. C., De Costa, B. R., Razdan, R. K., Melvin, L. S., Johnson, M. R., & Martin, B. R. (1993). Cannabinoid structure-activity relationships: correlation of receptor binding and in vivo activities. Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 265(1), 218-226.
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Martín-Moreno, A. M., Reigada, D., Ramírez, B. G., Mechoulam, R., Innamorato, N., Cuadrado, A., & de Ceballos, M. L. (2011). Cannabidiol and other cannabinoids reduce microglial activation in vitro and in vivo: relevance to Alzheimers′ disease. Molecular pharmacology, mol-111.
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Mecha, M., Feliú, A., Iñigo, P. M., Mestre, L., Carrillo-Salinas, F. J., & Guaza, C. (2013). Cannabidiol provides long-lasting protection against the deleterious effects of inflammation in a viral model of multiple sclerosis: a role for A2A receptors. Neurobiology of disease, 59, 141-150.
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Brady, C. M., DasGupta, R., Dalton, C., Wiseman, O. J., Berkley, K. J., & Fowler, C. J. (2004). An open-label pilot study of cannabis-based extracts for bladder dysfunction in advanced multiple sclerosis. Multiple Sclerosis Journal, 10(4), 425-433.
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Iuvone, T., Esposito, G., De Filippis, D., Scuderi, C., & Steardo, L. (2009). Cannabidiol: a promising drug for neurodegenerative disorders?. CNS neuroscience & therapeutics, 15(1), 65-75.
Fernández‐Ruiz, J., Sagredo, O., Pazos, M. R., García, C., Pertwee, R., Mechoulam, R., & Martínez‐Orgado, J. (2013). Cannabidiol for neurodegenerative disorders: important new clinical applications for this phytocannabinoid?. British journal of clinical pharmacology, 75(2), 323-333.
Yamaori, S., Kushihara, M., Yamamoto, I., & Watanabe, K. (2010). Characterization of major phytocannabinoids, cannabidiol and cannabinol, as isoform-selective and potent inhibitors of human CYP1 enzymes. Biochemical pharmacology, 79(11), 1691-1698.
Yamaori, S., Maeda, C., Yamamoto, I., & Watanabe, K. (2011). Differential inhibition of human cytochrome P450 2A6 and 2B6 by major phytocannabinoids. Forensic Toxicology, 29(2), 117-124.
Yamaori, S., Okamoto, Y., Yamamoto, I., & Watanabe, K. (2011). Cannabidiol, a major phytocannabinoid, as a potent atypical inhibitor for cytochrome P450 2D6. Drug Metabolism and Disposition, dmd-111.
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Koch, M., Dehghani, F., Habazettl, I., Schomerus, C., & Korf, H. W. (2006). Cannabinoids attenuate norepinephrine‐induced melatonin biosynthesis in the rat pineal gland by reducing arylalkylamine N‐acetyltransferase activity without involvement of cannabinoid receptors. Journal of neurochemistry, 98(1), 267-278.
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Takeda, S., Usami, N., Yamamoto, I., & Watanabe, K. (2009). Cannabidiol-2', 6'-dimethyl ether, a cannabidiol derivative, is a highly potent and selective 15-lipoxygenase inhibitor. Drug Metabolism and Disposition.
Usami, N., Yamamoto, I., & Watanabe, K. (2008). Generation of reactive oxygen species during mouse hepatic microsomal metabolism of cannabidiol and cannabidiol hydroxy-quinone. Life sciences, 83(21-22), 717-724.
Pertwee, R. G., Howlett, A. C., Abood, M. E., Alexander, S. P. H., Di Marzo, V., Elphick, M. R., ... & Mechoulam, R. (2010). International Union of Basic and Clinical Pharmacology. LXXIX. Cannabinoid receptors and their ligands: beyond CB1 and CB2. Pharmacological reviews, 62(4), 588-631.
Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis)
What is Rosemary?
Plants have ingenious ways of spreading their seeds around the world.
One of the most successful is the rosemary shrub.
The desirable flavor, and useful medicinal qualities of rosemary have enticed humans to carry its seeds along with them from Europe as they spread to all corners of the earth.
The majority of rosemary around the world is used for its desirable culinary quality, however, there are plenty of good medicinal uses of the plant as well.
It's used primarily as a nervine, circulatory stimulant, and digestive.
It stimulates blood flow to the body and the brain and has the benefits of promoting mental clarity, and moving other herbs deeper into the peripheral blood system.
The volatile oils contained in its leaves stimulate digestion and soothe upset stomachs.
Here's everything I know about rosemary.
Featured Rosemary Products
How Is Rosemary Used?
Rosemary is popular in cooking. It's used medicinally to increase blood flow to the brain, reduce nerve pain, and improve digestion. The essential oil is used topically to promote blood flow and stimulate the hair follicles involved with premature balding.
Herb Details: Rosemary
Herbal Actions:
- Antidepressant
- Antimicrobial
- Antispasmodic
- Emmenagogue
- Nervine Stimulant
- Nootropic
- Rubefacient
- Carminative
Weekly Dose
- (1:2 Liquid Extract)
15-30 mL - View Dosage Chart
Part Used
- Leaf & twigs
Family Name
- Lamiaceae
- Originally from Mediterranean, but has since spread all over the world.
Constituents of Interest
- Volatile oil (borneol, camphene, camphor, linalool)
- Apigenin
- Rosmarinic acid
- Carnosol & Carnosolic acid
- Rosmaricine
Common Names
- Rosemary
- Roosmaryn (Afrikaans)
- Rozmarinë (Albania)
- Ikleel al-Jabal (Arabic)
- Rozmarin (Bulgaria)
- Romarin (France/Germany)
- Mannenro (Japan)
- Alecrim (Portugal)
- Mi Die Xiang (China)
- CYP1A2
- CYP3A4
- CYP2C9
- Also P-gp
- Warm, Acrid
- Caution advised during pregnancy.
- Sweet, Acrid, Slightly Bitter
Duration of Use
- Long term use is acceptable.
Botanical Info:
Rosemary is a member of the mint family, which is one of the largest plant families. It contains roughly 236 different genera, and 6900-7200 different species.
The Rosmarinus genus contains 4 different species, the one most commonly used as medicine is Rosmarinus officinalis, though the other species also have some use in the regions in which it grows.
It's hardy to colder climates, but grows primarily in the Mediterranean. It's also highly drought-resistant, and can survive without water for very long periods of time.
Clinical Applications of Rosemary
Rosemary is most useful as a circulatory stimulant, nervine stimulant, carminative and digestive.
It's used to treat cognitive conditions involving poor blood flow like Alzheimer's disease, syncope, and headaches. it's also used as a nootropic and for increasing blood flow to the follicles of the hair to support hair growth. The essential oil is especially useful here for addressing symptoms of premature balding. It's also an excellent nervine used for conditions like neuralgia, sciatica, and depression when associated with debility or concussion.
Its digestive properties make it useful for addressing flatulence, indigestion, dyspepsia, and recovery from intestinal tract infection.
Avoid using therapeutic doses of rosemary while pregnant. This doesn’t include small doses of rosemary used in cooking.
Recent Blog Posts:
California Poppy (Eschscholzia californica)
California Poppy Summary
California poppy is a relative of the opium poppy that gives us morphine. This particular member contains a different set of alkaloids with similar, but milder effects.
California Poppy is the official state flower for California but grows throughout the Southern parts of the United States.
Its primary uses — both in modern herbal medicine and traditional herbal medicine — is for treating anxiety, chronic pain, and insomnia. It's one of the most potent herbal sedatives available.
How Is California Poppy Used?
California poppy is used for its sedative and analgesic effects. It contains a set of alkaloids similar to morphine, though not as strong. It can be used both internally for anxiety, insomnia, and chronic pain, as well as topically for skin irritations and ulcers.
Herb Details
Weekly Dose
- (1:2 Liquid Extract)
20-40 mL - View Dosage Chart
Part Used
- Aerial parts
Family Name
- Papaveraceae
- Southern parts of The United States of America
Herbal Actions:
- Analgesic
- Antispasmodic
- Anxiolytic
- Nervine
Constituents of Interest
- Eschscholtzine
- Californidine
- Sanguinarine
- Chelerythrine
Common Names
- California Poppy
- Kaliforniese papawer (Afrikaans)
- Pavot de Californie (France)
- CYP3A4
- CYP2C9
- CYP2C19
- CYP2D6
- CYP1A2
- No adverse effects expected.
- Bitter
Duration of Use
- May be used long term.
Botanical Information
California poppy is a member of the Papaveraceae family. This family contains roughly 42 genera and about 775 different species. The Eschscholzia genus itself contains about 12 different species.
The species, Eschscholzia californica, is very diverse, as it has been extensively bred commercially and by hobbyists as an ornamental garden flower.
Clinical Applications Of California Poppy
California poppy extract enhances GABA binding and is an opioid receptor agonist. It's been shown to displace fluorazepam from the benzodiazepam receptor. This is likely the main mechanism of action for California Poppy's sedative, and analgesic effects.
- May possess additive interaction with benzodiazepines.
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Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia)
What is Lavender?
Lavender is one of the most famous herbs known to man. It's cultivated on a massive scale throughout Europe and North America and is a popular flavoring and aromatic agent for household products.
Medicinally lavender is best known for its ability to promote sleep. It's often sold as aromatherapy, in salves and creams, and incense for this purpose. Lavender is also great for internal use, where it interacts with the GABA system to produce relaxation and sleep.
Lavender essential oil can be used as a topical agent for insect bites, rashes, and infection.
What is Lavender Used For?
Lavender is mainly used in topical applications for rashes, skin irritations, mild infections, sunburn, and insect bites. Internally it's mainly used for anxiety-related conditions, GIT inflammation and discomfort, and insomnia.
Herb Details: Lavender
Herbal Actions:
- Analgesic (mild)
- Antibacterial
- Anti-cancer
- Anticonvulsant
- Antidepressant
- Antifungal
- Antioxidant
- Anxiolytic
- Antiparasitic
- Carminative
- Nervine Relaxant
- Neuroprotective
- Antispasmodic
Weekly Dose
- (1:2 Liquid Extract)
15–30 mL - View Dosage Chart
Part Used
- Leaves and flowers
Family Name
- Lamiaceae
- Mediterranean and Southern Europe
Northern and Eastern Africa
Constituents of Interest
- Monoterpene Alcohols
- Athocyanins
Common Names
- Lavender
- Laventelit (Finland)
- English Lavender
No adverse reactions expected.
Duration of Use
- This herb is generally regarded as safe for long term use.
Botanical Information
Lavender is a member of the mint family (Lamiaceae). In the genus Lavandula, there are approximately 47 species — most of which are perennials, or small shrubs.
There are a number of lavenders used medicinally
Lavandula angustifolia (English Lavender)
Lavandula stoechas (French Lavender)
Lavendula dentata (Spanish Lavender)
This list is disputed by many taxonomists, suggesting that French lavender may be Lavandula stoechas or Lavandula dentata, and that Spanish lavender could be either Lavandula dentata, or Lavandula lanata, or Lavandula dentata.
Clinical Applications Of Lavender:
Lavender is useful topically for female conditions including dysmenorrhoea and PMS due to its antispasmodic and analgesic effects. It's also useful topically for its anti-fungal and antibacterial effects. Internally lavender can be used for gastrointestinal complaints, including bloating, flatulence, and colic.
Lavender is a reliable nervine for its GABAergic activity. Additionally it has been shown to reverse the stimulating effects induced by caffeine, and inhibits acetylcholine release.
Lavender has been proven to be a very safe herb with a low incidence of adverse effects.
Avoid use with pharmaceutical sedatives due to the possibility of agonistic synergy.
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