
Horopito (Pseudowintera colorata)


What is Horopito?

Horopito is commonly known as New Zealand pepperwood for its mild spicy flavor and exclusivity to the cooler islands of the south pacific ocean — including New Zealand.

This herb has a lot of traditional uses as medicine but went largely noticed by the international herbal medicine community. Recently there’s been a surge in interest in the plant after a series of studies were done to assess the medical value of traditional New Zealand herbs.

Horopito is used for skin and digestive conditions largely due to the plant’s potent antifungal actions. This plant has been shown to kill candida, as well as a number of parasitic worms.

The mild spicy nature of the plant also brings some circulatory stimulant and analgesic activity.

This plant has a lot of practical applications, especially for infectious fungal or parasitic conditions. It’s likely this plant will become much more commonplace in western herbal medicine within the next 5 to 10 years.


What is Horopito Used For?

The primary uses of horopito in modern herbal medicine is for fungal, bacterial, and parasitic infections.

A liquid extract of the herb is the most common form used today, but you can also find capsules and topical applications of the herb. For skin infections, such as ringworm or eczema, a poultice of the leaves can be applied directly, but a liniment is more common as the plant can be difficult to grow outside New Zealand.


Traditional Uses of Horopito

The Maori of New Zealand have been using horopito for a long time and have a long list of applications for its leaves.

The Maori use horopito in the following ways:

  • As a flavoring agent (spicy flavor profile)

  • For sexually transmitted infection

  • Ringworm

  • Chaffed or damaged skin

When the early Europeans colonized New Zealand many of them began using the herb as a source of vitamin C to prevent or treat scurvy.

Herb Details: Horopito

Herbal Actions:

  • Analgesic
  • Anti-Allergy
  • Antibacterial
  • Antifungal
  • Anti-Inflammatory
  • Astringent
  • Circulatory Stimulant
  • Gastroprotective
  • Insecticidal
  • Nutritive
  • Rubefacient

Weekly Dose

Part Used

Leaves & Inner Bark

Family Name



Cooler Tropical islands Around new Zealand

Constituents of Interest

  • Anthocyanins
  • Dialdehyde polygodial
  • Sesquiterpenes
  • Eugenol

Common Names

  • Horopito
  • New Zeland Pepper Tree
  • Maori Painkiller
  • Ramarama


  • Unknown


  • Warm


  • Safety during pregnancy not well established, avoid use while pregnant or breastfeeding.

Duration of Use

  • Long-term use is acceptable and common

Botanical Information

Horopito is a member of the Winteraceae family of plants — which consists of about 90 species of trees and shrubs nearly exclusive to the Southern hemisphere.

The leaves of horopito have a characteristic red color as a result of the sesquiterpene content of the leaves — which are also one of the main medicinal compounds in the plant.


Cautions & Safety Information:

There have been very few reports of side effects from using horopito — however, some reports of allergic reactions have been reported.

Horopito should be avoided by epileptics due to a possible increase in extracellular glutamate found in some animal studies.

Avoid larger doses of the herb with acute gastritis or peptic ulcers.



Justin Cooke, BHSc

The Sunlight Experiment

(Updated March 2020)


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Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis)


What is Rosemary?

Plants have ingenious ways of spreading their seeds around the world.

One of the most successful is the rosemary shrub.

The desirable flavor, and useful medicinal qualities of rosemary have enticed humans to carry its seeds along with them from Europe as they spread to all corners of the earth.

The majority of rosemary around the world is used for its desirable culinary quality, however, there are plenty of good medicinal uses of the plant as well.

It's used primarily as a nervine, circulatory stimulant, and digestive.

It stimulates blood flow to the body and the brain and has the benefits of promoting mental clarity, and moving other herbs deeper into the peripheral blood system.

The volatile oils contained in its leaves stimulate digestion and soothe upset stomachs.

Here's everything I know about rosemary.


Featured Rosemary Products


How Is Rosemary Used?

Rosemary is popular in cooking. It's used medicinally to increase blood flow to the brain, reduce nerve pain, and improve digestion. The essential oil is used topically to promote blood flow and stimulate the hair follicles involved with premature balding.


Herb Details: Rosemary

Herbal Actions:

  • Antidepressant
  • Antimicrobial
  • Antispasmodic
  • Emmenagogue
  • Nervine Stimulant
  • Nootropic
  • Rubefacient
  • Carminative

Weekly Dose

Part Used

  • Leaf & twigs

Family Name

  • Lamiaceae


  • Originally from Mediterranean, but has since spread all over the world.

Constituents of Interest

  • Volatile oil (borneol, camphene, camphor, linalool)
  • Apigenin
  • Rosmarinic acid
  • Carnosol & Carnosolic acid
  • Rosmaricine

Common Names

  • Rosemary
  • Roosmaryn (Afrikaans)
  • Rozmarinë (Albania)
  • Ikleel al-Jabal (Arabic)
  • Rozmarin (Bulgaria)
  • Romarin (France/Germany)
  • Mannenro (Japan)
  • Alecrim (Portugal)
  • Mi Die Xiang (China)


  • CYP1A2
  • CYP3A4
  • CYP2C9
  • Also P-gp


  • Warm, Acrid


  • Caution advised during pregnancy.


  • Sweet, Acrid, Slightly Bitter

Duration of Use

  • Long term use is acceptable.

Botanical Info:

Rosemary is a member of the mint family, which is one of the largest plant families. It contains roughly 236 different genera, and 6900-7200 different species.

The Rosmarinus genus contains 4 different species, the one most commonly used as medicine is Rosmarinus officinalis, though the other species also have some use in the regions in which it grows.

It's hardy to colder climates, but grows primarily in the Mediterranean. It's also highly drought-resistant, and can survive without water for very long periods of time.


Clinical Applications of Rosemary

Rosemary is most useful as a circulatory stimulant, nervine stimulant, carminative and digestive.

It's used to treat cognitive conditions involving poor blood flow like Alzheimer's disease, syncope, and headaches. it's also used as a nootropic and for increasing blood flow to the follicles of the hair to support hair growth. The essential oil is especially useful here for addressing symptoms of premature balding. It's also an excellent nervine used for conditions like neuralgia, sciatica, and depression when associated with debility or concussion.

Its digestive properties make it useful for addressing flatulence, indigestion, dyspepsia, and recovery from intestinal tract infection.



Avoid using therapeutic doses of rosemary while pregnant. This doesn’t include small doses of rosemary used in cooking.



Justin Cooke

The Sunlight Experiment

(Updated November 2018)


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